#!/bin/sh if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit fi if [ ! -e installed ]; then SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") if [ -z $1 ]; then echo "Which drive?" read DRIVE else export DRIVE=$1 fi export BASE=$(basename $DRIVE) export PART="/dev/$(basename $(echo /sys/class/block/$BASE/$BASE* | \ xargs -n1 echo | sed 1q | rev | cut -c 2- | rev ))" # List all partitions of device, get first one, remove last char. sudo umount $DRIVE* fdisk $DRIVE <> /mnt/etc/fstab cp -r . /mnt touch installed fi mount ${PART}2 /mnt mkdir /mnt/efi mount ${PART}1 /mnt/efi #echo "arch-chroot into the new system and run dotfiles/build.sh" ip link arch-chroot /mnt << EOF cd dotfiles sh build.sh EOF echo "DONE! You should set passwords."