import std.array : appender; private struct Node(T) { Node!T* prev; Node!T* next; T data; } private struct List(T) { Node!T* head; Node!T* tail; size_t length; invariant () { if (length > 0) { assert(head !is null); assert(tail !is null); } } /*private void check() { Node!T* cur = head; while (true) { if (cur != head) assert(cur.prev); if (cur == tail) break; else assert(; cur =; } }*/ void remove(Node!T* n) { if ( = n.prev; if (n.prev) =; if (head == n) head =; if (tail == n) tail = tail.prev; length--; } void push(Node!T* n) { n.prev = null; = head; head = n; if (tail is null) tail = head; else = head; length++; } Node!T* pop() in { assert(tail); } do { Node!T* node = tail; remove(node); return node; } } unittest { List!int l; Node!int first; l.push(&first); assert(l.head == &first); assert(l.tail == &first); Node!int second; l.push(&second); assert(l.head == &second); assert(l.tail == &first); assert(l.pop() == &first); assert(l.head == &second); assert(l.tail == &second); l.push(&first); l.pop(); l.pop(); } class LRUCache(From, To) { private size_t _cap; private struct Record { To val; From key; } private Node!Record*[From] map; private List!Record queue; this(size_t cap) { _cap = cap; } private void checksz() { if (queue.length > _cap) { auto node = queue.pop(); map.remove(; } } bool opBinaryRight(string op : "in")(From key) { return cast(bool)(key in map); } To opIndex(From f) in { assert(f in map); } do { auto p = map[f]; queue.remove(p); queue.push(p); return; } void opIndexAssign(To t, From f) { auto p = f in map; Node!Record* node; bool alloc = p is null; if (!alloc) { queue.remove(*p); node = *p; } else node = new Node!Record(); = t; = f; queue.push(node); map[f] = node; if (alloc) checksz(); } } unittest { auto cache = new LRUCache!(int, int)(2); cache[0] = 1; cache[4] = 2; cache[5] = 1; assert(0 !in cache); assert(4 in cache); assert(5 in cache); assert(cache[5] == 1); // prioritizes cache[0] = 1; assert(4 !in cache); }