%%fonts \font\fourteenrm=ptmr7t at 14pt \font\twelverm=ptmr7t at 12pt \font\twelvebf=ptmb7t at 12pt \font\twelveit=ptmri7t at 12pt %math family \font\twelvermop=zptmcm7t at 12pt \font\tenrmop=zptmcm7t at 10pt \font\sevenrmop=zptmcm7t at 7pt \textfont0=\twelvermop \scriptfont0=\tenrmop \scriptscriptfont0=\sevenrmop %include symbols later? https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/161226/how-can-i-use-times-fonts-in-plain-tex \twelverm \baselineskip=24pt %%header \catcode `\@ 11 \def\threemonth#1{ %first input is numerical value of month \ifcase #1 \or Jan\or Feb\or Mar% \or Apr\or May\or Jun% \or Jul\or Aug\or Sep% \or Oct\or Nov\or Dec% \fi } \def\@name{} \def\name#1{\def\@name{#1}} \def\@last{} \def\last#1{\def\@last{#1}} \def\@prof{} \def\prof#1{\def\@prof{#1}} \def\@clas{} \def\clas#1{\def\@clas{#1}} \def\today{\the\day \threemonth{\the\month}\ \the\year} \def\setdate#1{\def\@date{#1}} %sets \@date to user value \def\@date{\today} %uses today's date if author doesn't choose; to choose, author should use \setdate \long\def\header{ \noindent\@name\ \@last \par \noindent\@prof \par \noindent\@clas \par \noindent\@date \par } \def\titlespacing{} \def\spaceaftertitle{\def\titlespacing{\bigskip}} %gives the option of adding a large space after the title \def\title#1{\line{\hfil \fourteenrm \baselineskip=28pt #1 \hfil} \titlespacing} %%running header \nopagenumbers \vsize=9.5in \voffset=\dimexpr 12pt - 0.5in \relax \def\firsthead{} %a store for the first page's running header \def\numberfirstpage{\def\firsthead{\@last\ 1}} %optionally enables numbering on first page to same as others \headline={\baselineskip=0.5in \hfil \vbox{\hbox{\ifnum\pageno=1 \firsthead \else \twelverm\@last\ \the\pageno \fi}}} %%paragraph indent size \parindent=0.5in %%citation formatting (\cite and \biblio) from relevant local file \input citations.tex %%fixes @ character \catcode `\@12\relax %%blockquotes \long\def\blockquote#1{{ %double bracket to group \par \everyhbox{x} \leftskip=1in \parindent=0.25in \noindent#1 \par }}