+ INTA lecture 11/16
- INTA lecture 11/19
- Nixon lecture
- Seventies lecture
- Revision activity on RR#3
- RR#4
- Med journal project
    - Video
        - Bibliography/Research
        - Script
        - Slideshow
    + Ideas
        - Journal entry
    + Proposal
- Determine what portfolio covers
- Math Club Planning
+ Discussion activity for INTA
+ DNA Club Outreach
+ INTA lecture 11/13
+ INTA lecture 11/11
+ INTA lecture 11/9
+ INTA lecture 11/6
+ INTA lecture 11/4
+ INTA lecture 11/2
+ USH quiz 5
+ Math 6
+ Math 7
+ 1960s lecture
+ English Quiz 10/12
    + Over last three chapters of The Ghost Map
    + Formatting mini-lecture
+ All of The Ghost Map
    + And its mini-lecture
+ Reading Response #3
+ JFK lecture
+ LBJ lecture
+ INTA lecture 10/26
+ INTA lecture 10/28
+ INTA lecture 10/30
+ English Quiz 9/28
    + HeLa
+ "Nature about Henrietta Lacks" in Nature
+ The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks HBO (plus reading journal?)
+ HeLa lecture
+ Transitions lecture
+ Reading Response Sample Essay lecture
+ English Quiz 10/5
    + The Ghost Map Ch 1-4 (finally, a physical book)
+ Reading Journal 5
+ 9 USH lectures (I've read the book, so I have the vague details, just
  not notes)
+ Oct 7 INTA lecture
+ OCT 9 INTA lecture
+ College App Investigations
    + Naviance: request recommendation letter
+ Reading Journal 3 (refer to announcement)
+ "The Surgical Theater: Black Bodies in the Antebellum Clinic"
+ English Quiz 9/21
+ Reading Response #3
    +> Revision Activity
+ Math HW3
+ Math HW4
+ Math HW5
+ Reading Journal 4
+ US Chapters 3 and 4, plus study-notes and questions on 1-4
+ Write up INTA study guide
    + Take other people's study guides
    + Take my study guide
    + Take INTA test
+ Math Chap 2 + HW2
+ America and The Great War lecture
+ The Reactionary twenties lecture
+ Aug 31 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 2 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 4 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 9 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 11 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 14 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 16 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 21 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 23 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 25 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 28 lecture (INTA)
+ Sep 30 lecture (INTA)
+ Emergency powers assignment (Sep 30)
+ Sign of Four + Other portrayal of Sherlock
+ HIST readings (3 posted in the Canvas post)
+ Reading Journal: Compare Sherlock in Sign of Four with others' depict
+ Revision Activity
+ Vivisection, Virtue, and Law in the Nineteenth Century
    + And the lecture
+ The Island of Dr Moreau 1-10
    + And lecture
+ INTA quiz
+ History chapter 2 and quiz
+ Read math book chapter one
+ Read history book chapter one (sort through online)
+ Finish reading Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
+ Watch INTA lecture
+ Watch "Gilded Age" lectures
+ Federalist papers' essay
+ Watch Markley lectures
    + Write reading journal entry
+ Write a script
+ Read/annotate Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde
+ Read INTA homework
+ Watch Markley Introduction
+ Watch Hygeia mini lecture
    + Review information for Monday quiz
+ Attend American Government recording
+ HIST 2112 Course Introduction
+ HIST 2112 Content Overview
+ Calendar
    + Smith
    + Markley
    + Rich
    + Houdre?