# Up to 5 Honors related to Academic Achievements National @ 9th Grade: NHSMUN whatchamacallit State @ 10th Grade: GHP Nominee Other MUN stuff? School @ 9th Grade: Best-in-school Kennesaw Math Competition OSMF, OSM, Programming? God I don't think I have anything ugh # Up to 10 Activities - Model UN - Math Club - Cross Country Type: Athletics JV/Varsity Position: Member Participation: 9,10,12 During school year 6 Hours per week 14 weeks per year I intend to participate in a similar activity in college - Track - Solve Tutoring - Miscellaneous Tutoring (Community Engagement) - DNA Club - Science Fair - Misc Volunteering (Cleanup, school stuff) - Comp/Tech or Career-Oriented Programming/Sysadmin