\font\lrg=cmb10 at 14pt \newcount\num \def\reset{\num=0} \def\adv{\advance\num by 1} \def\q{\adv\vfil\leavevmode\hskip-\parindent\llap{\hbox to \parindent{\hfil\number\num.\hfil}}} \centerline{\underbar{\lrg NETWORKING INTERVIEW \#1}} \centerline{Create a list of \underbar{10} questions to be used in your interview in addition to those listed below.} \smallskip \noindent\underbar{\bf Interview \#1} \smallskip \def\tr{\noalign{\hrule\penalty-5}} \halign to \hsize{\tabskip0pt\vrule#&\tabskip0pt plus 1fil\strut\ignorespaces #\unskip&\vrule#&\hfil\ignorespaces #\unskip\hfil&\tabskip0pt\vrule#\cr\tr &Date&&2021-05-12&\cr\tr &Name of person interviewed&&Chelsea Green&\cr\tr &Company/Agency/Institution&&7Factor&\cr\tr &Occupation&&Software Developer&\cr\tr } \smallskip \vskip 0pt plus -1fil \q Describe the training or education needed for this job. A lot of education happens in workplace experience. Ms Green didn't have a CS degree, and actually studied Chemistry in college. This meant that she didn't do much programming outside of stats, and self-taught web-development skills for doing work. Also, some people do boot camps which is a slightly different path, and some people will do college degree path. Certs can also help level up, but real-world experience is best. \q What is a typical day or week like? A lot of context-switching. Ms Green works as an engineering manager, so she has 5--7 projects she's working on at a time, talking to teammates, other engineers, doing code reviews, and speaking with clients. \q How many hours per day or week does he/she have to work? Full-time 8-hour day job. \q What particular duties does he/she find most enjoyable? Working with clients and figuring out their needs and problems. She likes the discovery part of development. \q What particular aspect of his/her job is liked least? Pointless meetings. \q If you observed this person working, what did you find most interesting about the job? N/A \vfil\eject \noindent\underbar{\lrg INTERN-GENERATED QUESTIONS} \reset \q What's the most interesting project you've worked on? They're all interesting in different ways, and she's enjoyed working on the WellEntry project because it was on a very rushed schedule for the pandemic. \q Do you have a favorite language or framework to work with? JavaScript. \q How does 7Factor compare to other companies you've worked at? 7Factor is a consulting company, so it's very fast-paced compared to other companies she's worked at. You're expected to level up quickly, so that's a different experience from some other companies. There is a lot of change day-to-day. \q What do you do to prepare for interviews? Reviewing the background of the person you're talking to (resume/LinkedIn). Think of examples of what they do and what's relevant to the interview. That goes both ways, so think about what projects the company works on if the interviewer, and think about work they'd done if it's relevant to the company. \q How do you maintain work-life balance? Not always easy. Especially when working from home. Setting boundaries around the times she's working is the main thing she deals with. Also, she has a separate office, to sort of separate working from other parts of the house \q What separates maintainable from unmaintainable code? Maintainable code usually has tests. It's much easier to change something when you can run automated tests and be confident that the change you made didn't break other things. Also, having the code be readable and simple is a big one---``clean code.'' \q How do you keep your skills and knowledge up to date? Done via the job itself. There's always new things to learn and new things to learn, so the best way to learn is implementing it on the project. She also tries to keep up on soft skills by reading about what's going on in the tech industry (books and some news) \q Has the work-from-home situation during the pandemic been better or worse than working in the office? It hasn't changed much for her personally because she's been working from home before. However, she now never goes into the office, but she hasn't now met any new coworkers or seen clients on-site, but day-to-day is mostly the same. \q How do you build up and develop the skills of the people on your team? Pretty similar for what she does for herself. Having them dive in to solve hard problems and figuring things out is one of the best ways to do it. Providing support to them, encouraging them to learn and be curious is really helpful to their professional development. \q What advice would you give to somebody entering the industry? It's important to think about problems from more than one vantage point. You're not just writing code; you're trying to solve a problem. They way that things are presented isn't necessarily the best way for them to be solved, so consider the business perspective rather than a more narrow perspective. Always think about improving and solving problems the most efficient way. That goes for any level or role because you're there to be a problem-solver, so staying in your lane will probably cause issues in the long one. A holistic point of view is the most valuable one to have. \vfil\eject \bye