ENTJs have a natural tendency to marshall and direct. This may be
expressed with the charm and finesse of a world leader or with the
insensitivity of a cult leader. The ENTJ requires little encouragement
to make a plan. One ENTJ put it this way... "I make these little plans
that really don't have any importance to anyone else, and then feel
compelled to carry them out." While "compelled" may not describe ENTJs
as a group, nevertheless the bent to plan creatively and to make those
plans reality is a common theme for NJ types.

ENTJs are often "larger than life" in describing their projects or
proposals. This ability may be expressed as salesmanship, story-telling
facility or stand-up comedy. In combination with the natural propensity
for filibuster, our hero can make it very difficult for the customer to

TRADEMARK: -- "I'm really sorry you have to die." (I realize this is an
overstatement. However, most Fs and other gentle souls usually chuckle
knowingly at this description.)

ENTJs are decisive. They see what needs to be done, and frequently
assign roles to their fellows. Few other types can equal their ability
to remain resolute in conflict, sending the valiant (and often leading
the charge) into the mouth of hell. When challenged, the ENTJ may by
reflex become argumentative. Alternatively (s)he may unleash an icy gaze
that serves notice: the ENTJ is not one to be trifled with.

    You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (16%)
    You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38%)
    You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (34%)
    You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (28%)

Business Management
    $55K--$98K/yr, $74K avg
    No degree required but pay increases with education level
    No, I don't want to manage people as a career path.
Post-secondary Education
    $67K--$149K/yr, $95K avg
    Masters or Ph.D.
    Yes, I would like to work in higher education because professors and
    researchers get to develop deep expertise of complicated subjects.
Computer Science and Software Engineering
    $63K--$134K/yr, $92K avg
    Bachelors degree
    Yes, I want to become a Software Engineer because I like the types
    of problems they solve.

I want to be a: Software Engineer.
"One who designs and implements software solutions."

Required skills:
    - Multitasking
        - Organization
        - Prioritization
        - Deadlines
        - Managing Expectation
    - Teamwork
        - Collaboration
        - Compromising
        - Active Listening
        - Conflict Resolution
        - Oral Communication
        - Written Communication
    - Attention to Detail
        - Analytical Skills
        - Troubleshooting
        - Technical Documentation
        - Formulas
        - Data Analytics
        - Creativity
        - Critical Thinking
    - Reasoning
    - Project Management

Education Required: Bachelor's Degree.
Unusual Aspects:
    - Workplaces tend to avoid paper/non-digital communication
History of career:
    - Started with purpose-built machines
    - Turned into "stored program architecture" creating "software"
      independent of machines' mechanical structure in 1940s.
    - Programming languages were developed to abstract away bits of the
      machines in 50s--60s.
    - Apollo programs and US Government continue to fund and develop
      tools and technologies.
    - Various technology-specific skills
Top schools
- Carnegie Mellon
- Georgia Tech
- Wellesley College
Side note: I am interested in going to Georgia Tech for Computer Science
Starting salary: $63K--$80K
    Software engineer salaries increase with seniority, and
    Management positions are often a next step.

10 year forecast
28.2% growth is expected for the next 10 years.

Advantages and disadvantages
- Lots of opportunities and good money
- Office job
- Freelancing
- Long sitting and a socially limiting work environment
- Requires regular knowledge updates

What part of country has the best opportunities for this career or field?
    Silicon Valley is the canonical core of the industry.