Q1) $$f(z) = {4z-5\over z(z-1)}.$$ To determine the residue of $|z|=2,$ we sum the residues of interior poles ($z=0$ and $z=1.$) Starting with $z=0,$ $$f(z) = -{4z-5\over z}\cdot{1\over 1-z} = (5/z-4)(1+z+z^2+\ldots),$$ giving a residue of $b_1 = 5.$ Then, $z=1,$ $$f(z) = {4(z-1)-1\over z-1}\cdot{1\over 1-(1-z)} = (4 - 1/(z-1))(1-(z-1)+(z-1)^2+\ldots),$$ giving a residue of $b_1 = -1.$ The sum of these residues is $4,$ so the value of the given integral is $2\pi i\cdot4 = 8\pi i.$ Q2) $$f(z) = {z^3 + 2z\over (z-i)^3}.$$ The residue at $z=i$ is $g''(i)/2!$ where $g(z) = z^3 + 2z,$ giving $g''(i)/2! = (6i)/2! = 3i.$ Q3) I'm going to sleep in, and I think I'll be able to actually relax on Wednesday. \bye