

- Who am I
    - Name, Major
    - Hometown
    - Why am I at tech
    - ENGL 1102 w/ Dr Markley (focus?)
- Weakest style of multimodal communication
    - Structurally and overall quality
    - *Challenge
    - past experience if possbile
    - overcoming
        - a specific assignment

My Presentation
- Use music
- Upload to Vimeo
- Prefer dynamic shots
- Use mild video editing
- Visuals
- Background, appearance


Hi, I'm Holden Rohrer.
I'm a Dual Enrollment student at Georgia Tech from Centennial High
School in Roswell, Georgia.
This year, I'm taking Dr Markley's English 1102
focused on Medicine and Medical Instrumentation.

I expect to utilise each of the WOVEN methods, but I believe I will
struggle most with visual communication.
While I can develop my ideas exhaustively in long form written or oral
communication, I often have trouble compressing ideas.
This is clearest in visual communication most because images' or videos'
visual design permit little explicit information.
This modality is also less tangible, so I've been guilty of
ignoring it, deferring to content instead.
This results in presentationworthy but boring templated or
black-and-white visuals.
For example, in 10th grade, I presented a very dense and offputting,
black-and-white PowerPoint template-based science fair poster

This year, I want to deliberately focus on the visual flexibility that
the Wordpress reading journal's design and content offer to improve my
sense for how it impacts readers, particularly from an aesthetic