Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies - Lots of partisanship around future nomination - Republicans could successfully confirm new justice - Democrats will still attempt to block new justice, but they probably won't succeed - Would need to flip 4 senators to block, but conservatives don't have good motivations Currently, Biden has polling advantage, but can be close fight if Trump mobilizes - Senate seats will likely fall out 50/50, so pres important - Electorate tie could happen Leadership in Congress - House (Unique): Speaker of the House --- Most powerful of any Congress - Legislative power vested, voted in by caucus of house - Currently Pelosi in front of Dems - Senate (Unique): President of Senate AND President Pro Tempore - Pres. of Senate = VP of US - Only needs to attend State of Union and break ties - Pres. Pro Tempore - Most senior member of the majority party - Majority and Minority Leaders - Mitch McConnell in Senate has this power - Whips collaborate voting and keep a pulse on party's vote Committee Structure - Standing committees critical to legislation process - Small committees => easier legislation discussion, credit-claim - Select committees accomplish specific tasks - Often transient investigative, reporting committees - Joint committees - Both parties, both chambers - Budgetary, taxation - Really want to catch potential problems beforehand - House rules committee - Type of standing committee - Creates "rules for floor action inside House" "How a bill becomes a law" - This is not a real, singular process because bills can become laws in many many ways House side of process - Introduce (submit) legislation to get a "house resolution number" - Committee Stage - referred to appropriate Standing Committee - Speaker of House does this - Can refer to one or many committees - Multiple referral means it's more likely to die/change - Standing Commitee refers to subcommittee - Marked up for changes, can die (get buried) - Full Committee discusses and votes on marked up version - Rules Committee -- sets rules for debate on bill - Floor Action - scheduled by Speaker (time limit, position) - (Germane) amendments can get added and get debated separately