- Yearly deficit = $1.08T - National Debt is up $4.15T from last year, at $26.7T - $81K ($69K last year) per citizen or $215K ($184K last year) per taxpayer - By 2023, interest payments will exceed national defense - WOW! - Covid and CARES make it 137% (was 107%) of GDP. - Last seen in 1946, after WWII, at 119%. Recession Scaled to a person: - Personal income: $48,860 gross -> $37,100 net -> $3092 net/month - Personal spending: $3992 net/month - Personal debt: $10,800 yearly - But outstanding balance on card: $267,850 @ 2.3% debt rate - Minimum payment = $2503/mo (10yr payoff) leaving only $589 disposable/month. - Interest only = $517/mo - Doesn't account for changing (rising) interest rates, new debt - Experts predict greater than 30 or 40 years. - How to pay off debt - Raise revenues: no politician will raise taxes - Lower spending: reduce "wasteful spending." Pork Barrel Politics - Citizens Against Government Waste tracks - Targeted policies for regional/special constituents - "Big Pork Book" - 10,106 projects @ $19.6B for fiscal year 2009 - 232 projects (42.3% increase) @ $14.7B (116.2% increase) for fiscal year 2018 Record years - 2006: $29B - 2005: 13,997 projects - Wasteful or Necessary? Examples: - Augusta University First Tee Program: $300M - North Pole, Alaska: $2.2B for tourist infrastructure projects - National Wild Turkey Federation - Only .003% of spending, so it wouldn't change a thing. - MASSIVE cuts or MASSIVE taxes are necessary