Masks, the 1918 ("Spanish") flu epidemic, and COVID-19 parallels Soldiers in Kansas were the patients zero: - 4% death rate - Came during World War I, so propagandists hid the news globally - Misnamed Spanish Went through American cities: Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, NYC - Inadequate public health - Deliberate misinformations - Widespread disobeyance of expert orders Public Health issues: - Director of public health is a gynecologist, not an epidemiologist, appointed by the city's "political machine" - Downplaying by officials - Many other health maladies: rampant pneumonia from factory ash - Parades and liberty bonds went on to support the war effort (Sedition) - Gaps in healthcare parallel to today Fake home remedies - VapoRub as a cure for the virus - Mandrake Pills, Honey, literal snake oil Disobeyance of expert orders - Mask slackers in cities with mask orders arrested for 5-10 days at fines of $5-10. - enforcers hated for it - Masks called "muzzles", "dirt traps." - The look was poor: "slabs of ravioli" - Four+ layer thick gauze mask - Monetary issue: people want to go back - Masquerade as a constitutional issue - Threats on public officials' lives - Businesses wanted back and convinced people to go to bat Actually still in existence---several relapses of generations of the flu have happened, as recently as 2009