\newfam\bbold \def\bb#1{{\fam\bbold #1}} \font\bbten=msbm10 \font\bbsev=msbm7 \font\bbfiv=msbm5 \textfont\bbold=\bbten \scriptfont\bbold=\bbsev \scriptscriptfont\bbold=\bbfiv \font\bigbf=cmbx12 at 24pt \def\answer{\smallskip{\bf Answer.}\par} \def\endproof{\leavevmode\hskip\parfillskip\vrule height 6pt width 6pt depth 0pt{\parfillskip0pt\medskip}} \let\endanswer\endproof \def\section#1{\vskip18pt plus 6pt minus 6pt\vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in% \noindent{\bf #1}} \let\impl\to \def\nmid{\hskip-3pt\not\hskip2.5pt\mid} \def\problem#1{\bigskip\par\penalty-100\item{#1}} \headline{\vtop{\hbox to \hsize{\strut Math 2106 - Dr. Gupta\hfil Due Thursday 2022-04-07 at 11:59 pm}\hrule height .5pt}} \centerline{\bigbf Homework 10 - Holden Rohrer} \bigskip \noindent{\bf Collaborators:} None \section{Judson 3.5: 2, 7, 14, 28, 13, 35, 45, 48} \problem{2.} Which of the following multiplication tables defined on the set $G = \{a,b,c,d\}$ form a group? Support your answer in each case. \answer $(a)$ is not a group because it does not have an identity element. $(b)$ is a group because it has an identity element ($a$), and every element has an inverse (itself), and I have verified it is associative. % prove later $(c)$ is a group because it has an identity element ($a$), and every element has an inverse ($(a,b,c,d)\mapsto(a,d,c,b)$). I have also verified that this multiplication table is associative. $(d)$ is not a group because it has an identity element ($a$), but $d$ has no inverse. \endanswer \problem{7.} Let $S = \bb R\setminus \{-1\}$ and define a binary operation on $S$ by $a*b = a+b+ab.$ Prove that $(S,*)$ is an abelian group. \answer This group has identity $0$ because $a*0 = a+0+0a = a.$ Every element has an inverse $-{a\over a+1}$ which is defined because $a\neq -1,$ so $a+1\neq 0.$ $$-{a\over a+1}*a = -{a\over a+1} + a - {a^2\over a+1} = {a^2+a\over a+1} - {a\over a+1} - {a^2\over a+1} = 0.$$ The operation is also associative. $a*b = (a+1)(b+1),$ so $$(a*b)*c = (a+1)(b+1)(c+1) = a*(b*c).$$ \endanswer \problem{14.} Given the groups $\bb R^*$ and $\bb Z,$ let $G = \bb R^* \times \bb Z.$ Define a binary operation $\circ$ on $G$ by $(a,m)\circ (b,n) = (ab, m+n).$ Show that $G$ is a group under this operation. \answer This operation is associative because multiplication and addition are associative, so $((a,m)\circ (b,n)) \circ (c,l) = (a,m)\circ ((b,n)\circ (c,l)) = (abc,m+n+l).$ The element $(a,m)$ has inverse $(1/a,-m),$ and the group has identity $(1,0).$ \endanswer \problem{28.} Prove the remainder of Proposition 3.21: if $G$ is a group and $a,b\in G,$ then the equation $xa = b$ has a unique solution in $G.$ \answer By definition of the group $a$ has an inverse $a^{-1}\in G,$ so multiplying the right side by $a^{-1}$ gives $$xaa^{-1} = xe = x = ba^{-1}.$$ \endanswer \problem{31.} Show that if $a^2 = e$ for all elements $a$ in a group $G,$ then $G$ must be abelian. \answer Let $G$ be a group such that $g^2 = e$ for all elements $g\in G.$ We will show that $G$ is abelian. Let $a,b\in G.$ We will show that $ab = ba.$ $$ab = eabe = bbabaa = b(ba)(ba)a = ba.$$ \endanswer \problem{35.} Find all the subgroups of the symmetry group of an equilateral triangle. \answer We have the trivial subgroup $\langle e\rangle,$ the rotation subgroup $\langle \rho_1 \rangle,$ the reflection subgroups $\langle \mu_1\rangle,$ $\langle\mu_2\rangle,$ $\langle\mu_3\rangle,$ and the group $G.$ \endanswer \problem{45.} Prove that the intersection of two subgroups of a group $G$ is also a subgroup of $G.$ \answer Let $H$ and $I$ be two subgroups of $G.$ We will show that $H\cap I$ is a subgroup by showing the three conditions. Let $a,b\in H\cap I.$ We will show that $ab\in H\cap I.$ From definition of $a,b,$ we know that $a,b\in H,$ so $ab\in H.$ Similarly, $a,b\in I,$ so $ab\in I.$ By definition of $H$ and $I$ as subgroups, $a^{-1}\in I,$ and $a^{-1}\in H,$ so $a^{-1}\in I\cap H.$ Finally, because $I$ and $H$ are subgroups, $e\in I$ and $e\in H,$ so $e\in H\cap I.$ Therefore, $ab\in H\cap I,$ and $H\cap I$ is a subgroup. \endanswer \problem{48.} Let $G$ be a group and $g\in G.$ Show that $$Z(G) = \{x\in G: gx = xg\hbox{ for all }g\in G\}$$ is a subgroup of $G.$ This subgroup is called the center of $G.$ \answer To show that this is a subgroup, we need to show that $x,y\in Z(G)$ implies $xy\in Z(G),$ that $x^{-1}\in Z(G),$ and that $e\in Z(G).$ Let $x,y\in Z(G)$ and $z\in G.$ We already know that $xy\in G,$ so we will show that $xyz = zxy.$ Because $y\in Z(G),$ $yz = zy.$ Similarly, because $x\in Z(G),$ $x(yz) = (zy)x,$ so $xyz = zxy.$ We have shown that $Z(G)$ is closed under group operations. We will also show that since $xz = zx,$ we have $x^{-1}z = zx^{-1}.$ We left multiply and right multiply by $x^{-1}$ to get $$x^{-1}xzx^{-1} = x^{-1}zxx^{-1} \to zx^{-1} = x^{-1}z.$$ $e\in Z(G)$ because $eg = g = ge.$ We have now shown that $Z(G)$ is a subgroup. \endanswer \section{Judson 4.5: 2a-c, 5, 23} \problem{2a-c.} Find the order of each of the following elements: (a) $5\in\bb Z_{12},$ (b) $\sqrt 3\in\bb R,$ and (c) $\sqrt 3\in\bb R^*.$ \answer \item{a.} Because 5 is coprime to 12, the order of this element is 12. \item{b.} This element has infinite order. \item{c.} This element has infinite order. \endanswer \problem{5.} Find the order of every element in $\bb Z_{18}.$ \answer The coprime elements $\{1,5,7,11,13,17\}$ have order 18. The elements $\{2,4,8,10,14,16\}$ have order 9. The elements $\{3,9,15\}$ have order 6. The elements $\{6,12\}$ have order 3. The element $9$ has order 2. And the element $0$ has order 1. \endanswer \problem{23.} Let $a,b\in G.$ Prove the following statements. \item{a.} The order of $a$ is the same as the order of $a^{-1}.$ \answer Let $a$ be an element of order $n.$ This means $a^m \neq e$ for $1\leq m < n,$ but $a^n = e.$ By definition of inverses, $(a^{-1})^n a^n = e \to (a^{-1})^n = e.$ Similarly, $(a^{-1})^m a^m = e.$ Where $1\leq m < n,$ we have $a^m \neq e.$ We assume for the sake of contradiction $(a^{-1})^m = e.$ We would obtain $a^m = e$ giving a contradiction, so $(a^{-1})^m \neq e,$ and $a^{-1}$ is order $n.$ \endanswer \item{b.} For all $g\in G,$ $|a| = |g^{-1}ag|.$ \answer We will show that $|a| = |g^{-1}ag|.$ Thus, we will show $(g^{-1}ag)^n = e$ if and only if $a^n = e.$ $(\Rightarrow)$ Let $a^n = e.$ $$(g^{-1}ag)^n = g^{-1}a^ng = g^{-1}g = e.$$ $(\Leftarrow)$ Let $(g^{-1}ag)^n = g^{-1}a^ng = e.$ This implies $g^{-1}a^n = g^{-1},$ so $a^n = e.$ \endanswer \item{c.} The order of $ab$ is the same as the order of $ba.$ \answer To show that $|ab| = |ba|,$ we will show that $(ab)^n = e$ if and only if $(ba)^n = e.$ WLOG, we will show that $(ab)^n = e$ only if $(ba)^n = e.$ Let $(ab)^n = e.$ $$(ab)^{n+1} = (ab)^n(ab) = ab = a(ba)^nb \Longrightarrow (ba)^n = e.$$ \endanswer \bye