(V, +, *) vector space. Let v be {v1, ..., vn} where vi \in V. v is a basis of V if (1) v is linearly independent (2) span{v} = V. Lemma: Suppose v = {v1, ..., vj} is a linearly independent set in V and w = {w1, w2, ..., wk} s.t. span{w} = V. Then j \leq k. Since w spans V, [ v1 | v2 | ... | vj ] = [ w1 | w2 | ... | wk ] A, B C where A is a k-by-j matrix. Suppose k < j. Then Ax = 0 has nontrivial solutions because more unknowns (j) than outputs. Therefore, there exists x0 s.t. Ax0 = 0 with x0 \neq 0. B = CA \to Bx0 = CAx0 = 0, but Bx0 = 0 with nontrivial x0 is not possible because B is defined to be linearly independent. Therefore, k \geq j. Thm: If v and w are each bases of V, then k = j by application of the previous lemma (k\geq j and j\geq k) Let dim V = k = j. Suppose that dim V = n. Any linearly independent set in V will have at most n vectors, and Any spanning set in V must have at least n vectors. Converses Every set with more than n vectors in V is linearly dependent. Every set with less than n vectors in V does not span V. (2')For linearly independent set w which doesn't span V, there exists a vector which may be added to V outside the span, and w \cup {v} is also linearly independent. [I think this is equivalent to saying "if w is linearly independent, then w1 \not\in span{w \setminus {w1}}