\def\bmatrix#1{\left[\matrix{#1}\right]} {\noindent\bf Section 2.2} {\noindent\bf 12.} {\it (a)} This is correct. It's equal to the number of linearly independent rows/dimension of the row space/rank because if any of the non-zero rows were linearly dependent, they would have been eliminated to a zero row when forming $R.$ {\it (b)} This is false. A zero matrix has rank zero but can have a nonzero number in this property if it has more columns than rows. {\it (c)} This is true. All columns are either pivot columns or free columns, and the rank is the number of pivot columns. {\it (d)} No. The following matrix has four ones but rank one: $$\bmatrix{1&1&1&1}$$ {\noindent\bf 26.} The maximum rank of a matrix is the smaller of its number of rows and its number of columns because the pivot columns and rows are strictly less than the total number of each. Therefore, $C$ and $A$ have at most rank 2, and $CA$ also has at most rank 2 (column space of $A$ is a superset of the column space of $CA,$ which becomes obvious if they're treated like functions). $CA$ is a $3\times 3$ matrix, and $I_3$ has rank 3, so $CA \neq I.$ $AC = I$ if $$A = \bmatrix{1 & 0 & 0\cr 0 & 1 & 0}$$ and $$C = \bmatrix{1 & 0\cr 0 & 1\cr 0 & 0}$$ {\noindent\bf 42.} If $Ax = b$ has infinitely many solutions, then there exists infinitely many solutions to $Ay = 0$ if $y = x - x_0$ where $x_0$ is a particular solution to $Ax_0 = b.$ If there exists one particular solution $x_1$ to $Ax_1 = B,$ then there must be an infinite number $A(x_1+y) = B$ where $y$ is in the null space of $A$ as noted earlier. However, $Ax = B$ could have zero solutions. The matrix $$A = \bmatrix{1&0\cr 0&0}$$ does not include $b_0 = \bmatrix{0\cr 1}$ in its column space, so $Ax = b_0$ would have zero solutions even though $Ax = \bmatrix{1\cr 0}$ has an infinite number of solutions. \iffalse % practice problems {\noindent\bf 7.} $$R_3 = R_2 + R_1 \to c = 5 + 2.$$ {\noindent\bf 9.} {\it (a)} $$\bmatrix{1&2&3&4\cr 0&0&1&2\cr 0&0&0&0}\bmatrix{x_1\cr x_2\cr x_3\cr x_4} = \bmatrix{0\cr 0\cr 0} \to x = \bmatrix{-4\cr 0\cr -2\cr 1}x_4 + \bmatrix{-2\cr 1\cr 0\cr 0}x_2$$ $$R = \bmatrix{1&2&0&-2\cr 0&0&0&1&2\cr 0&0&0&0}.$$ $$Rx = 0 \to x = \bmatrix{2&0&-2&1}x_4 + \bmatrix{-2&1&0&0}x_2.$$ {\it (b)} If the right-hand side is $(a, b, 0),$ the solution set will be the null space plus a particular solution. In the case of $U,$ a particular solution would be $(a, 0, b, 0).$ {\noindent\bf 10.} $$\bmatrix{0&1&-1\cr 1&0&-1}x = \bmatrix{1\cr -2\cr 0}.$$ $$\bmatrix{0&1&-1\cr 1&0&-1\cr 1&1&-2}x = \bmatrix{1\cr -2\cr 0}.$$ {\noindent\bf 14.} $$R_A = \bmatrix{1&2&0\cr 0&0&1\cr 0&0&0}.$$ $$R_B = \bmatrix{1&2&0&1&2&0\cr 0&0&1&0&0&1\cr 0&0&0&0&0&0}.$$ $$R_C = \bmatrix{1&2&0&0&0&0\cr 0&0&1&0&0&0\cr 0&0&0&0&0&0\cr 0&0&0&1&2&0\cr 0&0&0&0&0&1\cr 0&0&0&0&0&0}.$$ {\noindent\bf 21.} The rank $r$ is the number of pivot rows and the number of pivot columns, so the subset of these rows and columns would be an $r\times r$ matrix. They are by definition linearly independent, so each spans/forms a basis for $R^r,$ giving them invertibility. {\noindent\bf 24.} The rank of $A$ is the same as the rank of $A^T,$ so $${\rm rank}(AB) \leq {\rm rank}(A) \to {\rm rank}((AB)^T) \leq {\rm rank}(A^T) \to {\rm rank}(B^TA^T) \leq {\rm rank}(A^T) \to {\rm rank}(AB) \leq {\rm rank}(B).$$ {\noindent\bf 25.} {\noindent\bf 36.} {\it (a)} All vectors in $R^3$ are in the column space, so only the trivial combination of the rows of $A$ gives zero. {\it (b)} Only vectors where $b_3 = 2b_2$ are within the column space. This means that $2x_2 = -x_3$ gives a zero combination. % double check this. {\noindent\bf 40.} $x_5$ is a free variable, the zero vector isn't the only solution to $Ax=0,$ and if $Ax=b$ has a solution, then it has infinite solutions. {\noindent\bf 43.} {\it (a)} $q=6$ gives a rank of 1 for $B,$ and $q=3$ gives a rank of 1 for the frist matrix. {\it (b)} $q = 7$ gives a rank of 2 for both matrices. {\it (c)} A rank of 3 is impossible for both matrices. {\noindent\bf 45.} % idk come back to this. {\it (a)} $r < n.$ {\it (b)} $r > m.$ $r\geq n.$ % ??? {\it (c)} $r < n.$ {\it (d)} {\noindent\bf 53.} {\it (a)} False. The zero matrix has $n$ free variables. {\it (b)} True. If the linear function corresponding to the matrix can be inverted, it must not have a non-zero null-space (i.e. a non-injective relation). {\noindent\bf 60.} $$\bmatrix{1&0&-2&-3\cr0&1&-2&-1}$$ has this nullspace. {\noindent\bf 61.} % simple enough to construct {\noindent\bf 62.} {\noindent\bf 63.} {\noindent\bf 64.} {\noindent\bf 65.} $$\bmatrix{0&0\cr 1&0}$$ {\noindent\bf 66.} Dimension of null space is $n-r = 3-r,$ and dimension of column space is $r,$ so they cannot have the same dimension and therefore cannot be equal. \fi {\noindent\bf Section 2.3} {\noindent\bf 22.} {\it (a)} They might not span ${\bf R}^4$ if, for example, they are all the zero vector, but they could span it, like if the first four were elementary vectors $e_1$ to $e_4.$ {\it (b)} They are not linearly independent because 4 is the maximal independent set. {\it (c)} Any four might be a basis for ${\bf R}^4,$ because they could be linearly independent and four vectors in ${\bf R}^4$ could span it. {\it (d)} $Ax = b$ might not have a solution. It could have a solution depending on the $b,$ but $0x = e_1,$ where $0$ refers to the zero vector for $A$ has zero solutions. {\noindent\bf 27.} The column space of $A$ has basis in $\{(1, 0, 1)^T, (3, 1, 3)^T\}$ and the column space of $U$ has basis in $\{(1, 0, 0)^T, (3, 1, 0)^T\}.$ The two matrices have the same row space, based in $\{(1, 3, 2), (0, 1, 1)\}.$ They also have the same null space, based in $\{(-1, 1, -1)\}.$ {\noindent\bf 32.} {\it (a)} The dimension is 3 because this is the set of vectors on ${\bf R}^4$ under one linear constraint: $v_4 = -(v_3 + v_2 + v_1).$ {\it (b)} The dimension is 0 because the identity matrix, by definition only returns 0 if given 0. {\it (c)} The dimension is 16 because there are 16 unconstrained components. {\noindent\bf 36.} 6 independent vectors satisfy $Ax=0$ by the rank theorem. $A^T$ has the same rank, so 53 independent vectors satisfy $A^Ty = 0.$ {\noindent\bf 42.} $\{x^3, x^2, x, 1\}$ form a basis of the polynomials of degree up to 3, and this set restricted to those where $p(1) = 0$ has basis $\{x^3-1, x^2-1, x-1\}.$ \iffalse % practice problems {\noindent\bf 7.} $$v_1 - v_2 + v_3 = w_2 - w_3 - w_1 + w_3 + w_1 - w_2 = 0,$$ proving dependence of these vectors. {\noindent\bf 8.} % not an actual problem $$c_1v_1 + c_2v_2 + c_3v_3 = c_1(w_2 + w_3) + c_2(w_1 + w_3) + c_3(w_1 + w_2) = (c_2+c_3)w_1 + (c_1+c_3)w_2 + (c_1+c_2)w_3 = 0.$$ Because the set of $w$ vectors are independent, this sum is only equal to zero if $c_2 + c_3 = 0 \to c_3 = -c_2,$ $c_1 + c_3 = 0 \to c_1 = -c_3 = +c_2,$ and $c_1+c_2 = 0 \to c_2 = c_1 = 0 \to c_3 = 0.$ {\noindent\bf 9.} {\it (a)} If $v_1$ to $v_3$ are linearly independent, the dimension of their spanning set must be 3 (and the set equal to $R^3$), so $v_4 \in R^3$ can be written as a combination of the other three. {\it (b)} $v_2 = kv_1$ where $k\in\bf R$ {\it (c)} $0v_1 + k(0,0,0) = 0,$ giving a non-trivial combination with the value 0. {\noindent\bf 12.} The vector $b$ is in the subspace spanned by the columns of $A$ when there is a solution to $Ax = b.$ The vector $c$ is in the row space of $A$ when there is a solution to $A^Tx = c$ or $x^TA = c.$ The zero vector is in every space, so the rows may still be independent. (False) {\noindent\bf 13.} The dimensions of the column spaces and of the row spaces of $A$ and $U$ are the same (2), and the row spaces are the same between the two (and conversely, the null space) {\noindent\bf 21.} % easy {\noindent\bf 23.} If they are linearly independent, the rank of $A$ is $n.$ If they span $R^m,$ the rank is $m.$ If they are a basis for $R^m,$ then both are true and $n = m.$ {\noindent\bf 25.} {\it (a)} The columns are linearly independent, so there is no nontrivial linear combination equal to 0. {\it (b)} The columns of $A$ span $R^5,$ so there must be a linear combination (value of $x$) equal to $b.$ {\noindent\bf 26.} {\it (a)} True. Thm in the book. {\it (b)} False. See 31. {\noindent\bf 31.} If we let $v_k = e_k,$ the subspace with basis $(0, 0, 1, 1)$ does not have a basis in the elementary vectors. {\noindent\bf 34.} % seems simple enough, don't know if I can do it. {\noindent\bf 35.} {\it (a)} False. The unit vector $e_1$'s single column is linearly independent, but except in $R,$ it doesn't span $R^k,$ and $e_1x = e_2$ has no solution. {\it (b)} True. The rank is at most $5,$ meaning there must be two free variables. {\noindent\bf 41.} {\it (a)} For dimension 1, $y_k = kx.$ {\it (b)} For dimension 2, $y_1 = x^2,$ $y_2 = 2x,$ and $y_3 = 3x.$ {\it (c)} For dimension 3, $y_k = x^k.$ \fi \bye