\def\bmatrix#1{\left[\matrix{#1}\right]} \def\dmatrix#1{\left|\matrix{#1}\right|} \def\fr#1#2{{#1\over #2}} {\bf Section 5.4} \noindent{\bf 8.} $${dr\over dt} = 4r-2w.$$ $${dw\over dt} = r+w.$$ $${du\over dt} = \bmatrix{4&-2\cr1&1}u.$$ The system has eigenvalues $\lambda = 2, 3,$ with eigenvectors $(1, 1)^T$ and $(2, 1)^T,$ {\it (a)} This system is unstable because all eigenvalues are greater than zero. {\it (b)} $$\bmatrix{300\cr 200} = 100\bmatrix{1\cr 1} + 100\bmatrix{2\cr 1},$$ giving $$u = \bmatrix{1&2\cr 1&1}\bmatrix{e^{2t}&0\cr 0&e^{3t}}\bmatrix{100\cr100} = \bmatrix{100e^{2t} + 200e^{3t}\cr 100e^{2t} + 100e^{3t}}.$$ {\it (c)} The dominant growth is $e^{3t},$ so the ratio will eventually be 2 to 1. \noindent{\bf 24.} $v+w$ is constant if $${d\over dt}(v+w) = {dv\over dt} + {dw\over dt} = w-v + v-w = 0.$$ $${du\over dt} = \bmatrix{-1&1\cr1&-1}u,$$ with eigenvalues $-2$ and $0$ and corresponding eigenvectors $(1, -1)^T$ and $(1, 1)^T$ respectively. This gives a particular solution (with $v(0) = 30$ and $w(0) = 10$) $$u = \bmatrix{-1&1\cr1&-1}\bmatrix{20\cr10e^{-2t}} = \bmatrix{-1\cr 1}20 + \bmatrix{1\cr -1}10e^{-2t}$$ \noindent{\bf 42.} The reason this (falsely) appears to work is because the right side of the matrix is still multiplying from $$u = \bmatrix{x\cr y},$$ while the left side is supposed to be $${du\over dt} = \bmatrix{dy/dt\cr dx/dt}.$$ In order to make this correct, there should also be a column exchange (changing $u$ to represent $(y, x)^T,$) giving $$\bmatrix{2&-2\cr-4&0},$$ which is unstable. {\bf Section 5.5} \noindent{\bf 11.} $$P = 0\bmatrix{1/2\cr -1/2}\bmatrix{1/2&-1/2} + 1\bmatrix{1/2\cr 1/2}\bmatrix{1/2&1/2}.$$ $$Q = 1\bmatrix{1/2\cr -1/2}\bmatrix{1/2&-1/2} -1\bmatrix{1/2\cr 1/2}\bmatrix{1/2&1/2}.$$ $$R = 5\bmatrix{2/\sqrt5\cr 1/\sqrt5}\bmatrix{2/\sqrt5&1/\sqrt5} -5\bmatrix{1/\sqrt5\cr -2/\sqrt5}\bmatrix{1/\sqrt5&-2/\sqrt5}.$$ \noindent{\bf 13.} {\it (a)} The eigenvectors $u,$ $v,$ and $w$ are pairwise orthogonal because $A$ is symmetric. {\it (b)} The null space is $\mathop{\rm sp}(u)$ because it's, by definition, in $\mathop{\rm null}(A-0I),$ and the column space is $\mathop{\rm sp}(v,w),$ because an eigenvalue's multiple must be a valid output of the matrix. The left null space is also $\mathop{\rm sp}(u)$ by orthogonality to the column space, and the row space is $\mathop{\rm sp}(v,w)$ by orthogonality to the null space. {\it (c)} No. $x+u$ also satisfies. $A(x+u) = Ax + Au = v + w + 0.$ {\it (d)} If $b\in\mathop{\rm sp}(v,w),$ this equation has a solution, by definition of the column space. {\it (e)} $S^TS = I,$ because all the vectors are orthogonal, and normal/unit, so the dot product with eachother is zero and the dot product with themselves is one. Thus, $S^{-1} = S^T.$ $$S^{-1}AS = \Lambda,$$ where $\Lambda$ is the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues $$\bmatrix{0&0&0\cr 0&1&0\cr 0&0&2}.$$ \noindent{\bf 14.} $A$ is orthogonal (all columns have norm one and are orthogonal to each other), permutation (all rows and columns have exactly one non-zero entry which is a one) and therefore invertible, diagonalizable (on the complex numbers), and Markov. By row reducing $A-\lambda I,$ we get $$\bmatrix{-\lambda&1&0&0\cr 0&-\lambda&1&0\cr 0&0&-\lambda&1\cr 0&0&0&-\lambda+\lambda^{-3}},$$ which has determinant equal to product of the diagonal, or characteristic polynomial $$\lambda^4 - 1 = 0,$$ giving $A$ eigenvalues of the fourth roots of unity, $\{1,-1,i,-i\}.$ $B$ is a projection (because $B^2 = B,$ and symmetric), Hermitian (by symmetric), rank-1 (because all columns are identical), diagonalizable (by symmetric), and Markov (all columns sum to one). Rank-1/singular excludes orthogonal and invertible. $B$ has eigenvalues $0$ and $1.$ {\bf Section 5.6} \noindent{\bf 30.} $M$ is the matrix which transforms the eigenvectors of $A$ to the corresponding eigenvectors (based on eigenvalues) of $B.$ {\it (a)} $$M = M^{-1} = \bmatrix{0&1\cr1&0}.$$ $$B = M^{-1}AM = \bmatrix{0&1\cr1&0}\bmatrix{0&1\cr0&1}\bmatrix{0&1\cr1&0} = \bmatrix{1&0\cr1&0}\bmatrix{0&1\cr1&0} = \bmatrix{0&1\cr0&1}.$$ {\it (b)} $$M = M^{-1} = \bmatrix{1&0\cr0&-1}.$$ $$B = M^{-1}AM = \bmatrix{1&0\cr0&-1}\bmatrix{1&1\cr1&1}\bmatrix{1&0\cr0&-1} = \bmatrix{1&0\cr0&-1}\bmatrix{1&-1\cr1&-1} = \bmatrix{1&-1\cr-1&1}.$$ {\it (c)} $$A = \bmatrix{1&2\cr3&4}$$ has eigenvalues $\lambda^2 - 5l - 2 = 0 \to \lambda = 5/2\pm \sqrt{33}/2,$ corresponding to eigenvectors $(\fr16(-3+\sqrt33), 1)^T$ and $(\fr16(-3-\sqrt33),1)^T$ in decreasing order. $$B = \bmatrix{4&3\cr2&1},$$ with the same eigenvalues but corresponding eigenvectors (also in decreasing order of eigenvalue) $(\fr14(3+\sqrt33),1)$ and $(\fr14(3-\sqrt33),1).$ This corresponds to $$M = \bmatrix{3/2&3/2\cr0&1}.$$ For this $M,$ $B = M^{-1}AM.$ \noindent{\bf 32.} There is the zero family (with one matrix), the family with all ones (with one matrix), the permutation matrix $\bmatrix{0&1\cr1&0}$ (with a family of one), and the identity matrix (with one in its family). Then, there are the families with two members: those with one nonzero entry on the antidiagonal, like $$\bmatrix{0&1\cr0&0},$$ those with a full diagonal and one entry on the antidiagonal, like $$\bmatrix{1&1\cr0&1},$$ and those with a full antidiagonal and one entry on the diagonal, like $$\bmatrix{1&1\cr1&0}.$$ Then, there is the largest family, with six members, consisting of one entry on the diagonal and zero or one entry on the antidiagonal, like $$\bmatrix{1&1\cr0&0}.$$ I found these distinct families with the number of possible characteristic polynomials, based on trace having a value $0,1,2$ and determinant having a value $-1,0,1,$ and then splitting up repeated eigenvalue matrices based on the number of distinct eigenvalues. \bye