\input color \catcode`@=11 \font\twelverm=ptmr7t at 12pt \def\rm{\fam\z@\twelverm} \font\twelvebf=ptmb7t at 12pt \def\bf{\fam\bffam\twelvebf} \catcode`@=12 \rm \baselineskip=16pt \centerline{\bf Personality Surveys/Scales Results Sheet} {\bf Class Section:} B\par {\bf Name (Last, First):} Holden Rohrer\par {\bf GTID:} 903466338 \bigskip {\bf\item{1.} Jung Typology Test (Myers-Briggs Indicator)} \smallskip \pdfximage width 4in{jung.png}\pdfrefximage\pdflastximage \iffalse \centerline{\color{red} ENFP} Extravert(41\%) iNtuitive(38\%) Feeling(41\%) Perceiving(31\%) \item{$\bullet$} You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (41\%) \item{$\bullet$} You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (38\%) \item{$\bullet$} You have moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (41\%) \item{$\bullet$} You have moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (31\%) \fi \bigskip {\bf\item{2.} Locus of Control (LOC) Survey (Julian Rotter)} 18/23 \bigskip {\bf\item{3.} Satisfaction with Life Survey} 34/35 \bigskip {\bf\item{4.} Hostility/Anger Scale} \smallskip \pdfximage width 4in{hostility.png}\pdfrefximage\pdflastximage \bigskip \vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip0pt plus -1in {\bf\item{5.} Summary} (1--2 pages single spaced, Times New Roman, size 12, black font) \medskip\penalty200 I was not very surprised with these results except by how clearly they confirmed my existing beliefs about myself. I consider myself very even-tempered and satisfied, my very low hostility/anger scale and high satisfaction with life confirmed. I've also taken the Myers-Briggs/Jung Typology test before, and last time I took it, I got ENFP, which is both who I believe I am and who I want to be, very personable and in-touch with my feelings. Interestingly, this is a change from results I've gotten in the past, which were always typically extraverted, but they used to be the more ``analytical, considerate'' type of personality (sensing, thinking, judging) because I changed my mind about what sort of traits would make me happier. And the highly external locus of control makes a lot of sense with my socially-oriented politics (Marxism). I understand how strongly one's environments impact their choices, their disposition, and their ability to control their environment. It has also made me deeply sympathetic for other people's choices, which I think makes me a lot less hostile and more forgiving. My satisfaction with life correlates really well with my socio-economic status and the social desirability of my life plus non-competitiveness---meaning I can be content with my life and ignore anything ``negative'' that might happen. The main concern I have about these tests is that I'm rating myself more on my aspirations than accurate self-perception. Also, I've heard speculation around the inaccuracy and instability of the Meyers-Briggs test, so I'm personally a bigger fan of OCEAN (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism) traits because they were found to be stable over long periods of time and more closely respect the fact that personality is a spectrum instead of 16 tightly-aligned categories. These survey results don't give me any desire to improve myself because I'm already very satisfie with my life and my interpersonal relations. Probably my most surprising result would be that having an external locus of control doesn't demotivate me because I still believe that labor, social striving, and social changes do have power to influence change. I just reject the idea of individualist modes of change, and I believe that rewards aren't automatically going to be justly distributed. I'm glad that none of these results were surprising because that would mean I don't know myself very well. I also disagree with some of the external locus of control questions, like the one about war. That question makes more sense with a view of war as the result of a few people's choices, and doesn't really make sense with a social interpretation of politics. However, I still got an accurate approximation of my personality, so I can't complain. My Myers-Briggs results tell me that I like being around people and I get energized by their presence (extraversion), which isn't very surprising. Of course, I can still get drained from meeting too many new people or having a lot of small talk-y conversations, but I really do like and look forward to spending time around people I know even moderately well. I think that I fall into the category of moderately intuitive thinker, because I don't believe that my own beliefs are founded in any pure reasoning, and I really like working with theoretical ideas, which is why I'm considering work in a research or academic field. I also am very open and agreeable, so the ``perceiving type'' (preferring freedom and flexibility) makes a lot of sense for my character, but I'm not opposed to settling down quickly on an idea if the situation demands it. I also try to prioritize people and emotions as much as I can over invalidating people with ``facts and logic,'' since that sort of thought process is simply rude. \bye