Definition: A fn. f : R -> R is called convex on an interval (a,b) if f(cx + dy) \leq cf(x) + df(y) \forall x, y \in (a, b) \forall c \in (0, 1), d = 1-c. Concave is -convex. Essentially stating that the function lies on or below a line segment connecting f(a) and f(b) [or above in the case of concave]. Strictly convex: f(cx+dy) < cf(x) + df(y). Jensen's Inequality X - r.v., E|X| < infty. E|f(x)| < infty. f(E X) \leq E(f(x)). If f is strictly convex, \leq -> "less than" unless X is a constant r.v. Further theorems: (1) If f is differentiable on (a,b), f is convex <=> f' is nondecreasing on (a,b). f is strictly convex <=> f' is strictly increasing on (a,b) (2) If f is twice differentiable on (a,b) f is convex <=> f'' \geq 0 on (a,b) f is strictly convex <=> f'' > 0 on (a,b)