\font\bigbf=cmbx12 at 24pt \newfam\bbold \font\bbten=msbm10 \font\bbsev=msbm7 \font\bbfiv=msbm5 \textfont\bbold=\bbten \scriptfont\bbold=\bbsev \scriptscriptfont\bbold=\bbfiv \def\bb#1{{\fam\bbold #1}} \newcount\pno \def\tf{\advance\pno by 1\smallskip\bgroup\item{(\number\pno)}} \def\endtf{\egroup\medskip} \newcount\qno \long\def\question#1{\ifnum\qno=0\else\vfil\eject\fi\bigskip\pno=0\advance\qno by 1\noindent{\bf Question \number\qno.} {\it #1}} \def\proof{\medskip\noindent{\it Proof.}\quad} \def\endproof{\leavevmode\hskip\parfillskip\vrule height 6pt width 6pt depth 0pt{\parfillskip0pt\medskip}} \let\bu\bullet {\bigbf\centerline{Holden Rohrer}\bigskip\centerline{MATH 4317\qquad HOMEWORK \#2}} \noindent{\bf Definition.} For any set $A,$ finite or infinite, define the power set of $A$ to be the collection of all subsets of $A.$ That is, $${\cal P}(A) = \{A' : A'\subseteq A\}.$$ \noindent{\bf Definition.} A set $A\subseteq\bb R$ is dense if for all $a\neq b\in\bb R,$ there is an element $c\in A$ between $a$ and $b.$ \question{For each item, if it is a true statement, say so. Otherwise, give a counterexample.} \tf A decreasing nested sequence of bounded intervals has non empty intersection. \endtf False. This fails if they are bounded and open; for example, $A_n = (0,{1\over n}].$ \tf A decreasing nested sequence of closed intervals has non-empty intersection. \endtf True. \tf For reals $a < b,$ we have $\sup Q\cap [a,b] = b.$ \endtf True. \tf For reals $a < b,$ we have $\sup Q^c\cap [a,b] = b.$ \endtf True. \tf The rationals are dense. \endtf True. \tf The subset of the rationals $\{p/2^r | p\in\bb Z, r\in\{100,101,\ldots\}\}$ are dense. \endtf True. % i feel like i want to write a proof. \tf The subset of the rationals $\{p/2^r | p\in\bb Z, r\in\{1,2,\ldots,100\}\}$ are dense. \endtf False. Between 0 and $1/2^{100},$ there is no number in this set. \tf The set $\{\pi r|r\in\bb Q\}$ is dense. \endtf True. \question{Prove that there is a positive number $s$ such that $s^2 = 3.$ \item{$\bu$} This depends upon the Supremum Axiom of course, applied to a good set $S.$ \item{$\bu$} Letting $\sigma = \sup S,$ there are two cases which need to lead to a contradiction: $\sigma^2 < 3$ and $\sigma^2 > 3.$ \item{$\bu$} You could find it useful to note that $1.7^2<3,$ but only just barely. (But it is not necessary, either) } \proof Let $S = \{s\in\bb R|s^2 < 3\}.$ 2 is an upper bound of $S.$ For the sake of contradiction, let $s\in S$ s.t. $s>2.$ Then, $s^2>4>3,$ contradicting our definition of $S.$ By the supremum axiom, this upper-bounded set must have a supremum $\sigma = \sup S.$ If $\sigma^2 < 3,$ we must have $s>0\in\bb R$ such that $\sigma^2\sigma,$ so $\sigma$ is not the supremum. % TODO: check if we can sorta assume continuity of s^2 like % this (probably ask Lacey) If $\sigma^2 > 3,$ choose $s>0$ such that $3 < s^2 < \sigma^2,$ and let $\epsilon = \sigma-s > 0.$ From a property of the supremum, we must have $a\in S$ such that $a>\sigma-\epsilon=s.$ We already know $s^2 > 3,$ so $a^2 > 3$, contradicting our construction. We have thus determined $\sigma^2 = 3,$ proving there is such a positive real number. \endproof \question{Show that these statements are equivalent: for a sequence of reals $\{x_n\},$ \item{$(1)$} The sequence converges to $x$: for all $\epsilon > 0,$ there is a $N_\epsilon > 1$ so that for all $n > N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon.$ \item{$(2)$} For all $\epsilon > 0,$ there is a $N_\epsilon > 1$ so that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<100\epsilon.$ \item{$(3)$} For all $0<\epsilon<10^{-10}$ there is a $N_\epsilon > 1$ so that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon.$ \item{$(4)$} For all $\epsilon > 0$ there is a $N_\epsilon > 10^{10}$ so that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon.$ } \proof We will prove these in a loop. \smallskip $(1)\Rightarrow(2)$ \smallskip For all $\epsilon>0,$ there is a $N_\epsilon>1$ so that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon<100\epsilon,$ satisfying our condition. \smallskip $(2)\Rightarrow(3)$ \smallskip We will show for all $0<\epsilon<10^{-10},$ there is a $N_\epsilon>1$ so that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon.$ Select some $0<\epsilon/100<10^{-12}$ and $N_{\epsilon}$ satisfying $(2)$. Then, for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<100(\epsilon/100)=\epsilon,$ satisfying $(3).$ \smallskip $(3)\Rightarrow(4)$ \smallskip Let $\epsilon>0.$ Account for where $\epsilon > 10^{-11},$ we take instead $N_\epsilon>1$ such that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x| < \min\{10^{-11},\epsilon\} \leq \epsilon.$ If $N_\epsilon<10^{10},$ the result implies $M_\epsilon>10^{10}>N_\epsilon$ such that for all $n>M_\epsilon>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon.$ \smallskip $(4)\Rightarrow(1)$ \smallskip Let $\epsilon > 0.$ We have $N_\epsilon > 10^{10} > 1$ such that for all $n>N_\epsilon,$ $|x_n-x|<\epsilon.$ This satisfies $(1).$ \endproof \question{Let $A$ be a nonempty set of positive real numbers, that is bounded above. Set $B = \{1/a : a\in A\}.$ Prove that $B$ is bounded below, and that $$\inf B = {1\over\sup A}.$$ } \proof All members of $A$ are positive, so $1/a>0$ for all $a\in A,$ giving a lower bound for $B.$ By the supremum axiom, there is an infimum $b$ for $B.$ We know that for all $a\in A,$ $b\leq 1/a,$ and for all $\epsilon>0$ and some respective $c\in A,$ that $1/c {1\over b+\epsilon} = {1\over b} + {\epsilon\over b(b+\epsilon)},$$ of which the error can be reduced to tell us that ${1\over b} = \sup A.$ \endproof \question{Let $A = \{a_n|n\in\bb N\}$ and $B = \{b_n|n\in\bb N\}$ be two bounded sets in $\bb R.$ Show that $$\inf_m a_m + \inf_n b_n \leq \inf_n(a_n + b_n).$$ $$\inf_m a_m + \inf_n b_n = \inf_{m,n} a_m + b_n.$$ } \proof We will show the equality first. Let $a$ and $b$ refer to the infima of $A$ and $B$ respectively. Let $\epsilon > 0.$ From our definition of infima, we have $m,n\in\bb N$ such that $a_n < a + \epsilon$ and $b_m < b + \epsilon.$ Thus, $a_n+b_m < a+b+2\epsilon.$ And for all $o,p\in\bb N,$ we have $a \leq a_o$ and $b \leq b_p,$ so $a+b\leq a_o+b_p,$ meaning our infimum $c$ satisfies $a+b\leq c1,$ $f(z) = z-1.$ For $z=0,$ $f(z) = 1/2.$ For $z<0,$ $f(z) = z.$ \tf Find a bijection between $(0,1)$ and $[0,1).$ \endtf Let $f: [0,1)\to(0,1)$ where $f(0) = 1/2,$ and where $n\in\bb N^{\geq 2},$ $f(1/n)={1\over n+1},$ and $f(x) = x$ otherwise. \tf Find a bijection between $(0,1)$ and $(0,1)\cup\bb N.$ \endtf Let $f: (0,1)\cup\bb N\to(0,1).$ If $n\in\bb N,$ $f(n) = {1\over 2^{n+1}},$ and for $m,l\in\bb N,$ $f({1\over 2^m3^l}) = {1\over 2^m3^{l+1}},$ and $f(x) = x$ otherwise. \bye