\font\bigbf=cmbx12 at 24pt \newfam\bbold \font\bbten=msbm10 \font\bbsev=msbm7 \font\bbfiv=msbm5 \textfont\bbold=\bbten \scriptfont\bbold=\bbsev \scriptscriptfont\bbold=\bbfiv \def\bb#1{{\fam\bbold #1}} \input color \newcount\pno \def\tf{\advance\pno by 1\smallskip\bgroup\item{(\number\pno)}\par} \def\endtf{\egroup\medskip} \def\false{\centerline{TRUE\qquad{\color{blue} FALSE}}} \def\true{\centerline{{\color{blue} TRUE}\qquad FALSE}} \newcount\qno \long\def\question#1{\ifnum\qno=0\else\vfil\eject\fi\bigskip\pno=0\advance\qno by 1\noindent{\bf Question \number\qno.} {\it #1}} \def\intro#1{\medskip\noindent{\it #1.}\quad} \def\proof{\intro{Proof}} \def\endproof{\leavevmode\hskip\parfillskip\vrule height 6pt width 6pt depth 0pt{\parfillskip0pt\medskip}} \let\bu\bullet {\bigbf\centerline{Holden Rohrer}\bigskip\centerline{MATH 4317\qquad HOMEWORK \#7}} \question{(3 points each) Answer True or False. No justification needed.} \item{a)} The arbitrary intersection of compact sets is compact. \tf \true \endtf \item{b)} The arbitrary union of compact sets is compact. \tf \false \endtf \item{c)} Let $A$ be arbitrary, and let $K$ be compact. Then, the intersection $A\cap K$ is compact. \tf \false % open set \subset closed bounded set \endtf \item{d)} If $F_1\supset F_2\supset F_3\supset F_4\supset\cdots$ is a nested sequence of nonempty closed sets, then the intersection $\cap_n F_n$ is not empty. \tf \false \endtf \item{e)} The intersection of a perfect set and a compact set is perfect. \tf \false \endtf \item{f)} The rationals contain a perfect set. \tf \true % empty set \endtf \question{(3.3.10) Let $K = [a,b]$ be a closed interval. Let ${\cal O} = \{O_\lambda | \lambda\in \Lambda\}$ be an open cover for $[a,b].$ Show that there is a finite subcover using this strategy: define $S$ to be the set of all $x\in [a,b]$ such that $[a,x]$ has a finite subcover from ${\cal O}.$} \item{a)} Argue that $S$ is nonempty and bounded, and thus $s = \sup S$ exists. \proof Let $x = a.$ We know that $[a,a] = \{a\}\subseteq [a,b],$ so there must exist, in ${\cal O},$ an $O_\lambda$ such that $a\in O_\lambda.$ Taking $\{O_\lambda\}$ as the subcover, we have shown that $S$ is nonempty. From the definition, $S\subseteq [a,b],$ so $|S| \leq \max\{|a|,|b|\},$ making $S$ bounded. Therefore, $s = \sup S$ exists. \endproof \item{b)} Show that $s = b.$ Explain why this implies ${\cal O}$ admits a finite subcover. That is, every closed interval is compact. \proof From the definition $S\subseteq [a,b],$ and for all $y\in[a,b],$ we know $y \leq b,$ so $s\leq b.$ For the sake of contradiction, assume $s < b.$ From the open cover, we know there must be an open interval $V_\epsilon(s)$ containing $s,$ with some size $\epsilon,$ and from the definition of supremum, there must be $x\in [s-\epsilon,s)\cap S,$ so by taking the finite cover of $x$ and appending $V_\epsilon(s),$ we construct a finite cover which includes $y\in (s,s+\epsilon)\cap[a,b],$ and this is nonempty since $s < b,$ and $y > s,$ giving us a contradiction of our assumption about the supremum. This conclusively tells us that $s = b,$ so an open cover of $[a,b]$ must admit a finite subcover. This is the definition of compactness. \endproof \item{c)} Use the fact that closed intervals are compact to conclude that a set $F$ that is closed and bounded is compact. \proof Let ${\cal O}$ be an open cover for $F.$ We are given that $F$ is bounded by some $M,$ so we construct $${\cal O}\cup\left\{\left(\bigcup_{\lambda\in\Lambda} O_\lambda\right)^c\right\},$$ The appended set is an open set because the complement of a closed set is an open set. We thus have an open cover for $[-M,M]\supseteq F,$ and we have shown that $[-M, M]$ admits a finite subcover, so taking the obtained finite subcover sans the appended set, we have a finite subcover for $F.$ \endproof \question{We proved: the countable intersection of compact nonempty $K_1\supset K_2\supset \cdots$ is not empty. We did so using a diagonalization and the limit definition of compact sets. Prove this theorem using the open cover definition of a compact set. (Assume otherwise, and construct an open cover of $K_1$ without finite subcover.)} \proof Assume for the sake of contradiction that the intersection of these sets is empty. Since $K_i$ is closed (assuming we are working in a Hausdorff space), $K_i^c$ is open, and $C = \{K_2^c,K_3^c,\ldots\}$ is an open cover, since $\bigcup_{2\leq i} K_i^c = \left(\bigcap_{2\leq i} K_i\right)^c = X,$ where $X$ is the space. This set is therefore an open cover of $K_1,$ but any finite subcover ${\cal O}$ must omit, for some $N,$ all $K_n$ where $n>N.$ Let $x\in K_n.$ For $m\leq n,$ $K_n\subseteq K_m,$ so $x\in K_m,$ and $x\not\in K_m^c,$ so $x\not\in \bigcup_{o\in\cal O} o.$ But $x\in K_1,$ contradicting the existence of a finite subcover from this open cover. Therefore, $K_1$ is not compact, but that is a contradiction. \endproof \bye