\twopicture{../imgs/2019-10-16.png}{../imgs/2019-10-30.png}{} \twopicture{../imgs/2019-12-3.png}{../imgs/2019-12-5.png}{} \twopicture{../imgs/2019-12-19.png}{../imgs/2019-12-20.png}{Voronoi diagrams showing the territory of each antlion that formed a pit and well as the location, depth, and width of each pit} \twopicture{../photos/2019-10-18-1.jpg}{../photos/2019-10-18-2.jpg}{Pictures of the 32x33 trial group, a six inch ruler is shown for scale.} \twopicture{../photos/2019-10-30-1.jpg}{../photos/2019-11-21-1.jpg}{Initial pictures of the 24x25 trial group including the new cardboard barrier for reference.} \twopicture{../photos/2019-11-21-2.jpg}{../photos/2019-11-21-3.jpg}{(Left)A photograph of the first 16x17 trial, note antlion trails that are shown, a six inch ruler is shown for scale. (Right) A picture of the reinforced cardboard barrier to prevent antlions from escaping.} \twopicture{../photos/2019-11-21-4.jpg}{../photos/2019-12-02-1.jpg}{Two alternate views of the 16x17 trial size, note antlion trails and toothpicks denoting the location of antlion pits.} \twopicture{../photos/2019-12-02-2.jpg}{../photos/2019-12-13-1.jpg}{(Left) A close up image of the 16x17 trial size, note pits and dead antlions, ruler shown for scale (Right) A close up image of the 8x9 trial size, note smaller and less consistent pits, a six inch ruler shown for scale} \twopicture{../photos/2019-12-13-2.jpg}{../photos/2019-12-13-3.jpg}{(Left) A picture of an antlion being removed from the trial period (Right) An image of an antlion in its temporary container}