\dubpicture{img/obstacle-large.rot.jpg}{img/2019-10-18-1.jpg}{The third $24\times24$ trial, with obstacles introduced into the container.}{A 3cm antlion pit} \dubpicture{img/pcr.jpg}{img/final-settlement-fake-pits.rot.jpg}{Part of the DNA barcoding process for species determination}{An image depicting the final settlement of the antlions during the $24\times24$ trial with fake pits, showing how antlions tend to avoid fake pits.} \dubpicture{img/2019-12-13-3.rot.jpg}{img/overhead-fake-pits.rot.jpg}{An antlion in the inter-trial holding containers with native sand}{An image depicting the distribution of fake pits along the $24\times24$ trial, showing the 12 fake pits.} \dubpicture{img/Overhead-with-obstacle.rot.jpg}{img/corner-settle.rot.jpg}{The $12\times12$ trial with the introduction of an obstacle, showing how the $24\times24$ and $12\times12$ trials were separated.}{An antlion settled in the corner of the $12\times12$ trial, which was observed repeatedly.} \dubpicture{img/fake-pits.rot.jpg}{img/code.png}{An image depicting the fake pits that were introduced to the $24\times24$ trial, where a total of 12 fake pits were introduced, each with a pit depth of 5cm and a pit width of 8cm.}{The code used to generate Voronoi diagrams with SciPy and Matplotlib}