// A bot which responds to `jarvis` with a box const Space = require('../space'); const Socket = require('../socket'); const tilekeys = require('../utils/tilekeys'); const ms = require('../utils/measurespace'); const vec = require('../utils/vec'); const comb = require('../utils/comb'); const Search = require('../tools/search'); const Queue = require('../tools/queue'); const ri = require('../utils/rectintersect'); //// Basic handling on open and close of the socket var main = new Socket(); main.on('open', open); main.on('close', deinit); //// tileUpdates require knowledge of the prog's identity (sender) var sender; main.on('tileUpdate', tileHandler); //// Configurable helpers for utilities function init(send){ sender = send; setTimeout(()=>{writes.enable()},1000); // Would fail if a write were added because it would be within a second of cursor send } function deinit(){ writes.disable(); } function initOnce(){ timect(); } var funcs = [protectArea, detectPrompt]; //// Management utilities // "Pings" the server with a cursor location which is then detected function open(){ console.log('socket opened'); let coords = [Math.floor(Math.random()*100000+16),Math.floor(Math.random()*100000+16)]; main.cursor(coords); main.once('cursor', detect); function detect(pos, send){ if (vec.equals(pos[0],coords)){ main.off('cursor', detect); identity(send); } } } // identity records the identity discovered from the cursor and calls configurable init and initOnce functions var initialized = false; //"Initialize once" strategy function identity(send){ console.log('identity activated'); if (! initialized){ initialized = true; initOnce(); } init(send); } // When a tile changes, processes data into usable form and runs every function in `funcs` w/ that data. // Note that functions can edit inputs function tileHandler(send, source, tiles){ if (send == sender) return; let locs = tilekeys(tiles); let tilespaces = {}; for (loc of locs){ tilespaces[loc] = new Space(); tilespaces[loc].fromfetch(tiles, [loc, loc], conform=false); } funcs.forEach(func => { func(send, tilespaces, locs); }); } //// "userspace" functions for responses, like to tileUpdates var writes = new Queue(1000, 200, (elems) => main.write(elems)); var command = 'jarvis' var sig = 'feynmansfedora' var notifsrc = '\ \n\ For a node.js YWOT api: \n\ & http://github.com/feynmansfedora/ywot-clean \n\ & Try `COMMAND` today. Uptime: UPTIME. Called: JARVISx ~SIGNATURE \n\ ' notifsrc = notifsrc.replace('COMMAND', command).replace('SIGNATURE', sig); var minsUp = 0; var callct = 0; var ctrl; function notifRefresh(){ let newnotif = new Space(); newnotif.loc = [-6, 20]; text = notifsrc; text = text.replace('UPTIME', Math.floor(minsUp/60) + 'h' + minsUp%60 + 'm'); text = text.replace('JARVIS', callct); newnotif.adhoc(text); let diff = newnotif.copy(); if (typeof notif !== 'undefined') diff.comb(notif, comb.sub); notif = newnotif; ctrl = ms(notif); return (diff.towrite()); } function timect(){ writes.enqueue(notifRefresh()); minsUp++; setTimeout(timect, 60*1000); } function protectArea(send, tiles, locs){ let tilesize = [8, 16]; // This may be exportable to an external util/tool for (loc of locs){ let tile = tiles[loc]; let origloc = loc; loc = vec.tileToChar(loc); if (ri(ctrl, [loc, vec.add(loc, tilesize)])){ // Write diffs from the tile let inter = notif.copy(); // Acts as a window for tile (only see relevant data) inter.comb(tile, comb.unmask); let diff = notif.copy(); // Actually diffs notify with the errant text diff.comb(inter, comb.sub); writes.enqueue(diff.towrite()) // Mask the tile let newtile = notif.copy(); newtile.comb(tile, comb.mask); tiles[origloc] = newtile; } } } var search = new Space(); search.adhoc('jarvis'); // The search space is the word jarvis, so whenever that's caught, a relevant function can be called. var read = new Search(search); var expire = {}; var limits = []; // an array of senders within the last 5 seconds to act as a 'rate limiter' function detectPrompt(send, tiles, locs){ // tries to detect the prompt ('jarvis') and calls respond if found. if (limits.indexOf(send) >= 0) return; for (let i=0; i 0) respond(results); expire[loc] = setTimeout(() => {read.del(loc); delete expire[loc];}, 30000); } limits.push(send); setTimeout(() => {limits.splice(limits.indexOf(send))}); } let response = new Space(); response.adhoc('yes, my liege'); function respond(coord){ console.log('called at', coord); callct += 1; response.loc = coord; writes.enqueue(response.towrite().concat(notifRefresh())); read.update(response); }