// A mixed paradigm scheduler // The core managed data type: a queue will be pushed a number of these and asked to manage it. function Job(data, prio=0, wt=1){ // Data is an array; // Ideally, Both prio and wt are functions which take one argument: how many write cycles they've been waiting. This helps manage time-sensitive jobs. // But this is too computationally difficult, so they are integer constants. // Immutable Properties this.data = data; //A set of work to be done (like character writes) this.prio = prio; // If a.prio > b.prio, all of `a.data` will be sent before any of `b.data` this.wt = wt; // After numerous calls, (amount called of a/amount called of b) = a.wt/b.wt if a.prio = b.prio this.maxr = data.length/wt; // A utility calculation: If a job has a lower maxr, it will run out of data earlier. // Mutable Properties this.wacc = 0; // mutable property: Queue will change this to keep track between dequeues of how much "left over" push real estate this should have. this.start; // The write # this job was introduced on. Also for Queue use. } function Queue(maxExport, call, delay){ // Every delay ms, Queue executes `call(maxExport # of objs in queue)` let jobs = {}; // Links priorities to unordered arrays of jobs let prios = []; // Array of priorities (keys of jobs), sorted. let open = false; let disab = true; let writes = 0; this.enqueue = function(job){ job.start = writes; let prio = job.prio; if (!jobs[prio]) jobs[prio] = []; jobs[prio].splice(0, Math.abs(bs(jobs[prio], job, (el, ne) => el.maxr - ne.maxr)), job); push(job); prios.splice(0, Math.abs(bs(prios, prio, (el, ne) => el-ne)), prio) if (open) dequeue(); } this.enable = function(){ disab = false; if (open) dequeue(); } this.disable = function(){ disab = true; } function dequeue(){ if (disab){ open = true; return; } if (prios.length == 0){ open = true; return; } open = false; let data = []; while (data.length < maxExport){ data.push(...getNumOrAll(prios[prios.length-1]), maxExport-data.length); } writes++; call(data); setTimeout(dequeue, delayms); } function getNumOrAll(prio, num){ /* Step 1: (Pre-)sort by job.data.length/job.weight. Step 2: Start at lowest, and pop all until job.data.length>job.normweight*num (decreasing num as popping and recalc job.normweight). Delete the job. Step 3: Then, pop job.normweight*num//1 elems from remaining, without num decrease or normweight recalc. But keep job.wacc = job.normweight*num%1 Step 4: Shallow copy job array, and sort by job.wacc. Step 5: Iterate through array (high->low), and subtract 1 until the length of output is num. Step 6: If empty, remove prio && jobs[prio]; return. */ let jobq = jobs[prio]; let dequeued = []; let weightsum = Math.sum(jobq.map(job => job.wt)).reduce((acc, cur)=>acc+cur); while (job[0].data.length<(job[0].wacc+job[0].wt*num/weightsum)){ weightsum -= job.wt; dequeued.push(...jobq.shift().data); } for (job of jobq){ job.wacc += job.wt*num/weightsum; let data = job.data; let topop = job.wacc-job.wacc%1; job.wacc -= topop dequeued.push(...data.splice(-topop)); } for (job of jobq.splice().sort((el, ne) => el.wacc-ne.wacc)){ if (dequeued.length == num) break; job.wacc--; dequeue.push(job.pop()); } if (jobq.length == 0){ delete jobs[prio]; prios.splice(bs(prios, prio, (el, ne)=>el-ne), 1); } return dequeued; } }