
Holden Rohrer's work for the 2020-21 school year

My professors

I am taking all of my classes at Georgia Tech this year. During the fall semester, I have:

  • Dr. Hannah Markley for ENGL 1102-C2 (English Composition, Health, and Medicine)

  • Dr. Johnny Smith for HIST 2112-B (United States since 1877)

  • Christian Houdre for MATH 3235-K (Probability Theory)

  • Dr. Jason Rich for INTA 1200-A (American Government)

During the spring semester, I have:

  • Dr. Albert Fathi for MATH 3406-G (Second Course in Linear Algebra)

  • Dr. Richard Landry for CS 1331-D (Intro Object Oriented Programming

  • Dr. Laura Taylor for ECON 2106-NP1 (Principles of Microeconomics)

  • Dr. Eric Murray for PHYS 2211-A (Traditional Intro Mechanics)


The growth of this repository will be pretty organic, but as a general rule it will consist exclusively of ASCII plain-text files (preferably as a final format, but sometimes using TeX to generate pdfs with a Makefile). At the top level there will be a folder for each prof, labeled with their last name (i.e. markley/), all-caps files like README, LICENSE, and PROGRESS for what is mostly metadata, and possibly some TeX format files. Git commits' commit times will act as the record for when different events occur.


I have chosen to release this writing under CC BY-SA 4.0. The full license is available in LICENSE.

The license does not apply to images that are used in hireme/final-pres.odp (which are used under an exception to copyright) nor any PDF forms I have included (which are likely insufficiently original to warrant copyright protection).