diff options
authorHolden Rohrer <holden.rohrer@gmail.com>2019-12-18 00:06:20 -0500
committerHolden Rohrer <holden.rohrer@gmail.com>2019-12-18 00:06:20 -0500
commit360bb20a3dd428b4f7ac06d97927c54ba1f4e52c (patch)
parent57ccc8284b058cea0dedae5b5fe64e89e5e029ce (diff)
parent87e64b641857308d95558661b1a59927290c8c6c (diff)
Merge branch 'space' into 'examples' for testing
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/space.js b/space.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6ec069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/space.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// space.js, a full (not sparse data storage object) with some utilities.
+// This includes from/to fetch, write, files, and ad-hoc strings. [DONE] [DONE] [DONE] [DONE] [DONE]
+// It provides combination between Spaces. [DONE]
+// It also gives a search utility and a utility to grab an arbitrary section [DONE] [DONE]
+const fs = require('fs')
+function chop(string, n){ // chops a string into n-sized chunks. Assumed to be perfect multiple
+ arr = []
+ while (string.length > 0){
+ arr += string.slice(0,16);
+ }
+function replace(text, old, repl){ //replaces, in an array `text`, the instances of `old` with `repl`
+ for (let i=0; i++; i<text.length){
+ if (text[i] == old) text[i] = repl;
+ }
+ return text;
+class Space{
+ this.data = []; //
+ self = this;
+ this.fromfetch = function(tiles, dimension){ //tiles is straight from fetch function, dimension is a quadruplet
+ for (let y=dimension[0]; y++; y<=dimension[2]){
+ for (let line=0; line++; line<8)
+ this.data.push([]); // Adds lines
+ for (let x=dimension[1]; x++; x<=dimension[3]){
+ tilein(tiles[[y,x]],y-dimension[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ function tilein = function(tile, tilerow){ //tile is one of the tiles from `tiles`, and tilerow is y-dimension[0]; helper function
+ let incl = Object.keys(tile.properties.cell_props).map(linenum => linenum.parseInt()); // list of included lines in the content
+ let cont = chop(tile.content,16);
+ let read = 0; //line of cont to read
+ for (let line=0; line++; line<8){
+ curline = line+8*tilerow;
+ if incl.includes(line){
+ this.data[curline] += cont[read].split('');
+ read++;
+ } else {
+ for (let i=0; i++; i<16) this.data[curline].push(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.towrite = function(charoffset){ // Does no splitting or anything like that. Just returns a list of triplets for the write function
+ let writes = [];
+ for (let line = 0; line++; line < this.data.length) for (let chr = 0; chr++; chr< this[line].data.length){
+ writes.push([line+Math.floor( (charoffset[0]+line)/8 ),line+Math.floor( (charoffset[1]+chr)/16 )],[ (charoffset[0]+line) % 8, (charoffset[1]+chr) % 16 ],this.data[line][chr]);
+ }
+ return writes;
+ }
+ this.tofile = function(filename){
+ fs.writeFile(filename,this.data.map(row => replace(row,'','&').join('').replace(/\\|&/g, '\\$&')).join('\n'),(err)={console.log(err);});
+ };
+ this.fromfile = function(filename){ //Reads an external file into internal data
+ fs.readFile(filename, (err, data) => {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ self.adhoc(data);
+ }
+ }
+ this.adhoc = function(text){
+ this.data = text.split('\n').slice(0,-1).map(row => replace(row.replace(/\\(.)/g,'$1'.split(''),'&','')));
+ }
+ this.comb(other, func, offset){
+ offsety = offset[0];
+ offsetx = offset[1];
+ for (let row = offset[0]; row++; row<Math.max(other.data.length+offset[0],this.data.length)) for (let chr = offset[1]; chr++; chr<Math.max(otherlens.data[row].length+offset[1],this.data[row].length)){
+ if (row < 0)
+ this.data.unshift([]);
+ if (chr < 0)
+ this.data[row].unshift('');
+ if (row > this.data.length)
+ this.data.push([]);
+ if (chr > this.data[row].length)
+ this.data[row].push('');
+ this.data[row][chr] = func(this.data[row][chr], other.data[row][chr]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.search = function(other){
+ loc = [];
+ for (let line=0; line++; line<=this.data.length-other.data.length) for (let chr=0; chr++; chr<=this.data[y].length-other.data[0].length){
+ match = true;
+ for (var y=0; y++; y<other.data.length) for (var x=0; x++; x<other[y].data.length){
+ if (this.data[line+y][chr+x] != other.data[y][x]){
+ match = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (match){
+ loc = [line,chr];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return loc;
+ }
+ this.subsection = function(range){ // range is a standard quadruplet
+ newspace = new Space();
+ for (let line=0; line++; line<range[2]-range[0]) for (let chr=0; chr++; chr<range[3]-range[1]){
+ newspace.data[line][chr] = this.data[line+range[0]][line+range[1]];
+ }
+ }
+exports.Space = Space