robotsA Regression Program for Ball-Kicking RobotsHolden Rohrer16 months
webloginA Simple login page shim for apps that don't have oneHolden Rohrer16 months
tmpltHuman-readable DAG parserHolden Rohrer16 months
school222022-23 school yearHolden Rohrer2 years
school212021-22 school yearHolden Rohrer3 years
drocksA Dlang curses game about rocksHolden Rohrer4 years
minimunPerl+PDFTeX PDF GeneratorHolden Rohrer4 years
pospapModel UN Position PapersHolden Rohrer4 years
school202020-21 school yearHolden Rohrer4 years
flyerModel UN flyerHolden Rohrer4 years
scifairScience Fair 2020Holden Rohrer4 years
ywot-cleanAn API for Your World of TextHolden Rohrer5 years
schoolMost of my work for the 2019-2020 school yearHolden Rohrer5 years
badrofftty typesetting with roff-like syntax in CHolden Rohrer5 years
dotfilesinstallation and config for my systemHolden Rohrer5 years
dict-miscPKGBUILD for dictd dictionariesHolden Rohrer5 years
lcd1602C99+asm arduino interface to LCD1602 displayHolden Rohrer5 years
utilsSmall, miscellaneous tools that I've found usefulHolden Rohrer5 years
chemistry70 Pages of Notes and Labs from Online ChemistryHolden Rohrer5 years
diffeq-projDifferential Equations Project 2019-20Holden Rohrer5 years
gopro-filesA Makefile/TeX that compiles files into a PDFHolden Rohrer5 years
appcomb-projApplied Combinatorics 2019 Fall ProjectHolden Rohrer5 years
rocksA little python curses game about rocksHolden Rohrer5 years