school202020-21 school yearHolden Rohrer4 years
school212021-22 school yearHolden Rohrer2 years
school222022-23 school yearHolden Rohrer22 months
chemistry70 Pages of Notes and Labs from Online ChemistryHolden Rohrer5 years
drocksA Dlang curses game about rocksHolden Rohrer3 years
gopro-filesA Makefile/TeX that compiles files into a PDFHolden Rohrer5 years
robotsA Regression Program for Ball-Kicking RobotsHolden Rohrer14 months
webloginA Simple login page shim for apps that don't have oneHolden Rohrer14 months
rocksA little python curses game about rocksHolden Rohrer5 years
ywot-cleanAn API for Your World of TextHolden Rohrer5 years
appcomb-projApplied Combinatorics 2019 Fall ProjectHolden Rohrer5 years
lcd1602C99+asm arduino interface to LCD1602 displayHolden Rohrer5 years
diffeq-projDifferential Equations Project 2019-20Holden Rohrer5 years
tmpltHuman-readable DAG parserHolden Rohrer14 months
pospapModel UN Position PapersHolden Rohrer4 years
flyerModel UN flyerHolden Rohrer4 years
schoolMost of my work for the 2019-2020 school yearHolden Rohrer5 years
dict-miscPKGBUILD for dictd dictionariesHolden Rohrer5 years
minimunPerl+PDFTeX PDF GeneratorHolden Rohrer3 years
scifairScience Fair 2020Holden Rohrer4 years
utilsSmall, miscellaneous tools that I've found usefulHolden Rohrer5 years
dotfilesinstallation and config for my systemHolden Rohrer5 years
badrofftty typesetting with roff-like syntax in CHolden Rohrer5 years