

This repository is designed to organize and make portable all of Holden Rohrer's school work from the 2019-20 school year.

Some class directories have internal READMEs which cover their content

This repository is entirely under the CC BY-SA 4.0.


To compile files, run pdftex --shell-escape /dir/to/file from this directory.

MLA8 Formatting Usage

Because files are called from this directory, the relative path is mla8.tex, which should be included in TeX documents with \input mla8.tex (this method is used to allow mla8.tex to call citations.tex).

In-document, mla8.tex provides a few faculties: - fonts (\large makes text 14pt, \it italicizes text, \bf bolds text; default 12pt roman Times New Roman) - a running page-numbered header which can be enabled on the first page with \numberfirstpage - blockquotes (\blockquote{Long quote}) - titles (\title{Title}) - document headers (\name{Forename}\last{Surname}\teacher{Teacher}\clas{Class}\header, with an optional \date{12 July 2019} to use a different date than today; internal registers like \day can also be set as numbers).

citations.tex, referenced by mla8.tex provides \cite, which has internal sub-commands: - \name{Author Last name for inline citation}{Author Full Name (e.g. Zinsser, William) for citation at end} - \title{Chapter/Paper Title} - \contain{Book or Journal Title} (note that \title should not be used with full books for citation structure) - \version for book version if notable - \relnums for journal issue or volume number - \publish for the publisher - \pubdate for the date of publication - \locator for the page numbers (if chapter) or web address - \pagenum for inline citation.

Internal options are: - \nameinline which includes the name in the inline citation (or title if no author) - \newcitation to prevent double citing in the final. Python scripts alphabetize the citations.

See example.tex for examples of how to use mla8.tex


This is a 3-column format for note-taking, cheatsheets, etc (anything which needs a large amount of information in a small space).

Other than the normal page setup, this adds 3 new dimensions. \marghsize is the width of the column with margin (\hsize becomes width of text only). \fullhsize is the dimension of the full page between all the columns because \hsize changed meaning. \fullvsize is the height of columns and thus the whole page, changing \vsize to height of text. \voffset and \hoffset are unchanged.


This is typically meant to be used with notes and provides vocabulary compilation at the end of a section/document. - \term{Term}{Definition} makes a new term saved in \terms but adds no output - \maketerms expands \terms wherever the command is in the document. - \theterms is a macro defining the top of \terms. By default, it is a spaced hrule and Vocabulary centered.