path: root/wroblewski-world/revolution-notes
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diff --git a/wroblewski-world/revolution-notes b/wroblewski-world/revolution-notes
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index 0000000..b7b5dc3
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+++ b/wroblewski-world/revolution-notes
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+# Revolutions during 1750-1900 (mostly 1776-1822)
+## Historical Context
+- Americas revolution = democratic, enlightened
+ - Enlightenment ideas
+ - Fighting against oppression
+- Haitian Revolution
+- Latin American Independence Movements
+## Atlantic Revolutions
+- Shared common ideas
+- Atlantic basin = intellectual & cultural exchange
+- Printing press
+- "Human actions can improve systemic flaws"
+## American Revolution
+- Launched Declaration of Independence in 1776
+- Made constitution in 1787
+- Hope to increase liberties
+ - Britain unfairly taxes colonies
+- French government assists colonies
+ - Probable reason for winning
+- Brits tried to replace self-government
+- Salutary Neglect
+## French Revolution
+- 1789-1815
+- Soldiers inspired
+- King Louis XIV
+ - Absolute Monarch
+ - Creates Estates System
+ - 3 Estates: Clergy, nobility, and commoners (97-98%)
+ - Commoners taxed more than other estates combined
+- National assembly of foreigners forms, claiming sole right to lawmaking
+ - Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
+ - 1st, 2nd estate exclude 3rd.
+ - 3rd estate bands together in "Tennis Coourt Oath"
+ - Civil conflict much more radical than American (because led by commoners/middle class)
+ - Censored
+ - Storm Bastille to take weapons
+- Reign of Terror
+ - Robespierre leads arrests and execution of nobility
+ - He too is guillotined.
+- Napoleon Bonaparte
+ - Tames the revolution
+ - Founds army from commoners' nationalism
+## Haitian Revolution
+- Saint Domingue
+ - Rich French Colony
+ - Mostly Slaves
+- Toussaint Loverture, a former slave, runs the revolution
+## Latin American Independence Movements
+- Decentralized, Plural
+- Overthrowing racial hierarchy
+- Against Spain, led by elite
+ - Bolivar's letter from Jamaica to Britain requests aid against France
+- Class Division
+ - Oppressive Taxes
+- Mexican Revolution by Hidalgo and Morelos (Priests)
+ - Have to unite social classes against elite despite many-tiered hierarchical divisions