path: root/howard
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authorHolden Rohrer <hr@hrhr.dev>2022-02-10 01:12:45 -0500
committerHolden Rohrer <hr@hrhr.dev>2022-02-10 01:12:45 -0500
commit89862ae6a0554870a7708ae73112f86d2d21fc8d (patch)
treef81c5fb1a69b34687fc79d6fd6ca336411cf4777 /howard
parent6ce1db1f867c545ebdb1afb705580514b356f883 (diff)
new teachers, new work
Diffstat (limited to 'howard')
4 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
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+.SUFFIXES: .tex .pdf
+PDFTEX = pdftex
+ $(PDFTEX) $<
+all: hw1.pdf hw2.pdf hw3.pdf
+ rm -f *.pdf *.log
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+\def\afterstartlist{\advance\leftskip by .5in\par\advance\leftskip by -.5in}
+\def\startlist{\par\advance\indentlevel by 1\advance\leftskip by .5in\reset
+\def\alph#1{\ifcase #1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or
+ i\or j\or k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or
+ s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\fi}
+\def\li#1\par{\medskip\item{\ifcase\indentlevel \number\itno.\or
+ \alph\itno)\else
+ (\number\itno)\fi
+ }%
+ #1\smallskip\advance\itno by 1}
+\tableskip=10pt plus 10pt
+\li Evaluate each of the conditional statements to true or false
+ \li If $1+2=4,$ then $9+0= -9$
+ With $p$ $1+2=4$ and $q$ $9+0= -9,$ this statement is $p\impl
+ q.$
+ $1+2\neq 4,$ so this conditional is vacuously true.
+ \li $13 > 19$ only if 13 is prime
+ With $p$ 13 is prime and $q$ $13 > 19,$ this statement is
+ $p\impl q,$ and since $p$ is true and $q$ is false, this
+ statement is false.
+ \li Horses can fly whenever horses cannot fly
+ With $p$ ``horses cannot fly'' and $q$ ``horses can fly,'' this
+ is equivalent to $p\impl q.$ Since horses cannot fly, $p$ is
+ true and $q$ is false, so the statement is false.
+ \li $3\cdot3 = 9,$ if $9+9 = 18$
+ With $p$ $9+9 = 18$ and $q$ $3\cdot3=9,$ this statement is
+ equivalent to $p\impl q,$ and since both are true, this
+ statement is true.
+\li Let $p$ and $q$ be propositions, where $p$ is the statement ``It is
+snowing outside,'' and $q$ is the statement ``It is June.'' Express each
+of the following propositions as an English sentence.
+ \li $p\impl q.$
+ ``If it is snowing outside, it is June.''
+ \li $\lnot p \land q.$
+ ``It is not snowing outside, and it is June.''
+ \li $\lnot p \lor (p\land q).$
+ ``It is not snowing outside, or it is snowing outside in June.''
+\li Consider the statement: ``If the TAs make the homework too hard,
+then the students will be sad.'' Write the converse, contrapositive, and
+inverse of the statement. Don't worry about the grammar/tense, we just
+want to see the correct idea.
+ \li Converse
+ ``If the students will be sad, the TAs make the homework too hard.''
+ \li Contrapositive
+ ``If the students aren't sad, the TAs didn't make the homework too
+ hard.''
+ \li Inverse
+ ``If the TAs don't make the homework too hard, the students will be
+ happy.''
+\li How many rows appear in a truth table for each of these compound
+ \li $p\land q$
+ The number of rows is $2^v$ where v is the number of variables in
+ the expression. Therefore, this expression will have $2^2 = 4$ rows.
+ \li $\lnot p \impl (p\impl q)$
+ This still only has two variables, so it will have $2^2 = 4$ rows.
+ \li $(\lnot p\land q\land s)\lor(p\land\lnot q\land s)\lor(p\land
+ q\land\lnot s)$
+ This has three variables, so it will have $2^3 = 8$ rows.
+\li Using the following propositions, translate the sentence ``You
+cannot see the movie if you are not over 18 years old and you do not
+have the permission of a parent'' to a compound proposition.
+$m := \hbox{``You can see the movie''}$
+$e := \hbox{``You are over 18 years old''}$
+$p := \hbox{``You have the permission of a parent''}$
+This is $(\lnot p\land\lnot e)\impl \lnot m.$
+\li Construct truth tables for the following propositions. Include all
+intermediate columns to receive full credit for each table.
+ \li $p\lor q\land\lnot p$
+ \leavevmode
+ \halign{&\vrule\strut#&#\tabskip\tableskip&#&#\tabskip0pt\cr\hline
+ &&$p$&&&&$q$&&&&$\lnot p$&&&&$q\land\lnot p$&&&&
+ $p\lor q\land\lnot p$&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&\cr\hline
+ }
+ \li $(p\lor\lnot q) \impl q$
+ \leavevmode
+ \halign{&\vrule\strut#&#\tabskip\tableskip&#&#\tabskip0pt\cr\hline
+ &&$p$&&&&$q$&&&&$\lnot q$&&&&$p\lor\lnot q$&&&&
+ $(p\lor\lnot q)\impl q$&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&T&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&F&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&F&&\cr\hline
+ }
+ \li $(\lnot q\impl\lnot q) \iff (\lnot p \impl \lnot q)$
+ \leavevmode
+ \halign{&\vrule\strut#&#\tabskip\tableskip&#&#\tabskip0pt\cr\hline
+ &&$p$&&&&$q$&&&&$\lnot p$&&&&$\lnot q$&&&&$\lnot q\impl\lnot q$&&&&
+ $\lnot p\impl\lnot q$&&&&
+ $(\lnot q\impl\lnot q)\iff(\lnot p\impl\lnot q)$&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&F&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ }
+\li There is a spaceship where every passenger has exactly one role.
+Each passenger can either be a Crewmate or an Imposter. A Crewmate
+always tells the truth, and an Imposter always lies. For each question,
+determine the role of Person A and the role of Person B, or write
+``Cannot be determined'' for that person if there is not enough
+information. Explain your reasoning for full credit! (You can use a
+truth table or just plain English to explain.)
+ \li Person A says ``I am a Crewmate, or B is a Crewmate,'' and
+ Person B says ``A is a Crewmate if I am an Imposter.''
+ If and only if A is a crewmate, their statement is true. Similarly,
+ if and only if B is a crewmate, their statement is true. We will use
+ this principle for all of the problems.
+ In this problem, if both are crewmates, both statements are true (B
+ is not an imposter, so their statement is vacuously true, and A is a
+ crewmate or B is a crewmate).
+ However, if both are imposters, both statements are false (neither
+ is a crewmate and A is not a crewmate even though B is an imposter).
+ This means we can't figure out any information.
+ \li Person A says ``I am an Imposter, and Person B is a Crewmate,''
+ and Person B says nothing.
+ Both must be imposters. If A is a crewmate, their statement ``I am
+ an imposter'' is a lie, so they are an imposter by contradiction.
+ Since A is an an imposter, this statement must be a lie, so ``Person
+ B is a crewmate'' is false, and B is an imposter.
+ \li Person A says ``Both Person B and I are Imposters,'' and Person
+ B says ``At least one of us is a Crewmate.''
+ By a similar logic as b, ``I am an imposter'' would be a lie if A
+ were a crewmate, so A is an imposter. And since that statement is
+ true, ``Person B is an imposter'' must be a lie, and Person B is a
+ crewmate. This makes B's statement true, validating our view.
+\li Show that $(p\impl q)\lor\lnot p \equiv p\impl q$ using logical
+equivalences. Cite the laws of equivalences used to reach each step.
+&$(p\impl q)\lor\lnot p$&Given&&\cr
+&$(\lnot p\lor q)\lor\lnot p$&Conditional Identity&&\cr
+&$(q\lor\lnot p)\lor\lnot p$&Commutative Law&&\cr
+&$q\lor(\lnot p\lor\lnot p)$&Associative Law&&\cr
+&$q\lor\lnot p$&Idempotent Law&&\cr
+&$p\impl q$&Conditional Identity&&\cr
+\li Show that $\lnot ((p\land q)\lor p)\impl \lnot p$ is a tautology
+ \li a truth table (include all intermediate columns)
+ \halign{&\vrule\strut#&#\tabskip\tableskip&#&#\tabskip0pt\cr\hline
+ &&$p$&&&&$q$&&&&$p\land q$&&&&$(p\land q)\lor p$&&&&
+ $\lnot((p\land q)\lor p)$&&&&
+ $\lnot p$&&&&$\lnot ((p\land q)\lor p)\impl \lnot p$&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&T&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ &&F&&&&F&&&&F&&&&F&&&&T&&&&T&&&&T&&\cr\hline
+ }
+ \li logical equivalences (cite the laws of equivalence used to reach
+ each step)
+ \halign{\vrule\strut#\tabskip\tableskip&#\hfil&#\hfil&#\tabskip0pt&#\vrule\cr\hline
+ &$\lnot ((p\land q)\lor p)\impl \lnot p$&Given&&\cr
+ &$\lnot p\impl \lnot p$&Absorption Law&&\cr
+ &$p\lor\lnot p$&Conditional Identity&&\cr
+ &$T$&Complement Law&&\cr
+ \hline
+ }
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+\def\afterstartlist{\advance\leftskip by .5in\par\advance\leftskip by -.5in}
+\def\startlist{\par\advance\indentlevel by 1\advance\leftskip by .5in\reset
+\def\alph#1{\ifcase #1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or
+ i\or j\or k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or
+ s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\fi}
+\def\li#1\par{\medskip\penalty-100\item{\ifcase\indentlevel \number\itno.\or
+ \alph\itno)\else
+ (\number\itno)\fi
+ }%
+ #1\smallskip\advance\itno by 1\relax}
+\tableskip=10pt plus 10pt
+\li Express each of these statements using predicates and quanifiers
+ \li ``Some pigs eat wheat.''
+ Let the domain be the set containing all animals. \\
+ Let $P(x):$ $x$ is a pig. \\
+ Let $W(x):$ $x$ eats wheat.
+ $$\exists x, P(x)\land W(x).$$
+ \li ``All board games are fun.''
+ Let the domain be the set of all board games. \\
+ Let $B(x):$ $x$ is a board game.
+ Let $F(x):$ $x$ is fun.
+ $$\forall x, B(x)\impl F(x).$$
+ \li ``Not all potatoes are sweet.''
+ Let the domain be the set of all plants. \\
+ Let $P(x):$ $x$ is a potato. \\
+ Let $S(x):$ $x$ is sweet.
+ $$\lnot\forall x, P(x)\impl S(x).$$
+\li Determine the truth value of each of these statements if the domain
+of each variable consists of all integers.
+ \li $\forall x\exists y (\root 5 \of x > y^2)$
+ False. $y^2 > 0$ for all $y,$ and $\root 5 \of {-1} = -1,$ disproving
+ this statement.
+ \li $\exists x\forall y((x = 2.5)\impl (y > x))$
+ False. $y = 0 < 2.5 = x.$
+ \li $\exists x\forall y(x^2 = y)$
+ False. $1 = x^2 = 0$ is not possible.
+ \li $\forall x\exists y(x^2 = y)$
+ True. The integers are closed under squaring.
+\li Rewrite each of these statements so that no negation is to the left
+of a quantifier, so that every negation is to the left of a predicate
+(in other words, push the negation in past the quantifiers).
+ \li $\lnot\forall y(\forall x R(x,y)\land\exists x S(x,y))$
+ $$\exists y(\exists x \lnot R(x,y)\lor\forall x \lnot S(x,y))$$
+ \li $\forall x\lnot\exists y\forall z(A(x,y)\impl B(x,z))$
+ $$\forall x\forall y\exists z\lnot(A(x,y)\impl B(x,z))$$
+ \li $\lnot\exists x\lnot\forall y\lnot\forall z(A(x,z)\land B(y,z))$
+ $$\forall x\forall y\exists z\lnot (A(x,z)\land B(y,z))$$
+ \li $\lnot\exists x\forall y\exists z(P(x,y)\iff Q(z))$
+ $$\forall x\exists y\forall z\lnot (P(x,y)\iff Q(z))$$
+\li Let $S(x)$ be the statement ``$x$ has a sabre tooth tiger,'' let
+$D(x)$ be the statement ``x has a dhole,'' and let $H(x)$ be the
+statement ``x has a horse.'' Express each of these statements in terms
+of $S(x),$ $D(x),$ $H(x),$ quantifiers, and logical connectives. Let the
+domain consist of all people.
+ \li Every person who owns a sabre tooth tiger also owns a dhole or a
+ horse.
+ $$\forall x S(x)\impl(D(x)\land H(x)).$$
+ \li No one owns a sabre tooth tiger, and at least one person owns a
+ horse.
+ $$\forall x\lnot S(x) \land \exists x H(x).$$
+ \li For each of the three animals---sabre tooth tigers, dholes, and
+ horses---there is a person who has this animal. Hint: All three
+ animals can, but do not have to be, owned by the same person.
+ $$\exists x S(x) \land \exists x D(x) \land \exists x H(x).$$
+\li Express each of these statements using quantifiers. Then form the
+negation of the statement so that no negation is to the left of a
+quantifier (in other words, push the negation in past the quantifiers).
+Next, express the negation in English.
+ \li Let the domain be all animals \\
+ Let $B(x):$ $x$ is a bird \\
+ Let $C(x):$ $x$ can chirp \\
+ ``There exists a bird that can chirp.''
+ $$\exists x B(x)\land C(x).$$
+ \li Let the domain be all animals \\
+ Let $C(x):$ $x$ is a cat \\
+ Let $E(x):$ $x$ eats fish \\
+ ``All cats eat fish.''
+ $$\forall x C(x)\impl E(x).$$
+ \li Let the domain be all animals
+ Let $D(x):$ $x$ is a dog \\
+ Let $M(x):$ $x$ can meow \\
+ ``There exists a dog, only if not all animals can meow.''
+ $$(\lnot\forall x M(x)) \impl (\exists x D(x)).$$
+\li Determine the truth value of the statement $\exists x\forall
+y(x^3\leq y^4)$ if the domain for the variable consists of:
+ \li the positive real numbers
+ This is not true because $0 < y < \root 4 \of x^3$ always exists for
+ any $x$ (the fourth root of a cube of a positive number is positive,
+ so this number is never zero)
+ \li the non-negative integers
+ This is true with $x=0$ because $y^4 \geq 0$ over this domain.
+ \li the nonzero real numbers
+ This is true with $x=-1$ because $y^4 \geq 0 > x^3 = -1.$
+\li Show that $\lnot\forall x(P(x)\land\lnot Q(x))$ is logically
+equivalent to $\exists x(P(x)\impl Q(x)).$
+ &$\lnot \forall x(P(x)\land\lnot Q(x))$&Given&&\cr
+ &$\exists x \lnot(P(x)\land\lnot Q(x))$&DeMorgan's Law for Quantifiers&&\cr
+ &$\exists x (\lnot P(x)\lor\lnot\lnot Q(x))$&DeMorgan's Law&&\cr
+ &$\exists x (\lnot P(x)\lor Q(x))$&Double negation law&&\cr
+ &$\exists x (P(x)\impl Q(x))$&Conditional Identity&&\cr
+ \hline
+\li Find a counterexample, if possible, to these universally quantified
+statements, where the domain for all variables consists of all real
+numbers. Otherwise, state that no counterexample exists.
+ \li $\forall x\forall y(x^3\neq y^7)$
+ With $x=y=1,$ $x^3 = y^7.$
+ \li $\forall x\exists y(y = {x\over 2})$
+ No counterexample exists.
+ \li $\forall x\forall y((x\geq y)\impl(x^{100} > y)).$
+ With $x=y=0,$ $x\geq y,$ but $x^{100} \not> y.$
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+\def\bb#1{{\fam\bbold #1}}
+\def\afterstartlist{\advance\leftskip by .5in\par\advance\leftskip by -.5in}
+\def\startlist{\par\advance\indentlevel by 1\advance\leftskip by .5in\reset
+\def\alph#1{\ifcase #1\or a\or b\or c\or d\or e\or f\or g\or h\or
+ i\or j\or k\or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or q\or r\or
+ s\or t\or u\or v\or w\or x\or y\or z\fi}
+\def\li#1\par{\medskip\penalty-100\item{\ifcase\indentlevel \number\itno.\or
+ \alph\itno)\else
+ (\number\itno)\fi
+ }%
+ #1\smallskip\advance\itno by 1\relax}
+\def\ul{\bgroup\def\li##1\par{\item{$\bullet$} ##1\par}}
+\tableskip=10pt plus 10pt
+\def\endproof{\leavevmode\quad\vrule height 6pt width 6pt
+depth 0pt\hskip\parfillskip\hbox{}{\parfillskip0pt\medskip}}
+\li Which rule of inference is used in each of these arguments?
+ \li Richard is a Computer Science major. Richard is a Computer
+ Science major only if he attends Georgia Tech. Therefore, Richard
+ attends Georgia Tech.
+ This is modus ponens. With $p$ ``Richard is a Computer Science
+ Major,'' and $q$ ``he attends Georgia Tech,'' we have $p\impl q$ and
+ $p,$ concluding $q.$
+ \li Discrete Math exams are fun or Python is a boring language.
+ Discrete Math exams are not fun or Rohan is a TA for Discrete Math.
+ Therefore, Python is a boring language or Rohan is a TA for Discrete
+ Math.
+ This is resolution. With $p$ ``Discrete math exams are fun,'' $q$
+ ``Python is a boring language,'' and $r$ ``Rohan is a TA for
+ Discrete Math,'' we have $p\lor q$ and $\lnot p\lor r,$ concluding
+ $q\lor r.$
+ \li If it snows today, the school will close. If the schools are
+ closed, then you will not go to class. Therefore, you do
+ not go to class, if it snows today.
+ This is hypothetical syllogism.
+ Let $p$ ``it snows today,'' $q$ ``the schools will close,'' and $r$
+ ``you will not go to class.'' We have $p\impl q$ and $q\impl r,$
+ giving us $p\impl r.$
+ % hypothetical syllogism
+ \li You are a Discrete Math student whenever you are a Computer
+ Science major. You are not a Discrete Math student. Therefore, you
+ are not a Computer Science major.
+ This is modus tollens.
+ With $p$ ``you are a Computer Science major,'' and $q$ ``you are not
+ a Discrete Math student,'' we have $p\impl q$ and $\lnot q,$
+ concluding $\lnot p.$
+ % modus tollens
+\li Using rules of inference, show that the premises below conclude with
+$d.$ Give the reason for each step as you show that $d$ is concluded.
+Each reason should be the name of a rule of inference and include which
+numbered steps are involved. For example, a reason for a step might be
+``Modus ponens $(2,3)$''
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$a\lor b$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$b\lor c\impl e$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$d\lor\lnot e$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\lnot a\lor c$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$b\lor c$&Resolution (1,4)&&\cr
+ &$e$&Modus Ponens (2,5)&&\cr
+ &$e$&Disjunctive Syllogism (3,6)&&\cr
+ \hline
+\li Using the rules of inference, show that the following premises
+conclude with ``Yoshi wins the race, and Luigi rides a bike.'' Be sure
+to define all propositional variables for full credit (for example, you
+may define ``$t:$ Toad gets lost'' as one of your propositional
+variables). Remember, it is possible that you will use all premises, but
+it is also possible that some are not needed.
+ \li Toad gets lost, and Luigi rides a bike.
+ \li If Luigi does not ride a bike, then Wario cheats.
+ \li Rosalina is the best princess in the race.
+ \li Wario does not cheat, or Toad does not get lost.
+ \li If Wario does not cheat and Toad gets lost, then Yoshi wins the
+ race.
+\noindent Variable definitions:
+ \li $t:$ Toad gets lost
+ \li $l:$ Luigi rides a bike.
+ \li $w:$ Wario cheats.
+ \li $y:$ Yoshi wins the race
+\vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$t\land l$&Premise&&\cr
+ %&$\lnot l\impl w$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\lnot w\lor \lnot t$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$(\lnot w\land t)\impl y$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$t$&Simplification (1)&&\cr
+ &$\lnot w$&Disjunctive Syllogism (2,4)&&\cr
+ &$\lnot w\land t$&Conjunction (4,5)&&\cr
+ &$y$&Modus ponens (3,6)&&\cr
+ &$l$&Simplification (1)&&\cr
+ &$y\land l$&Conjunction (7,8)&&\cr
+ \hline
+This is the conclusion ``Yoshi wins the race, and Luigi rides a bike.''
+\li For the following proof, there are blanks in many steps. Please fill
+out each blank with its correct statement or reason. Note that the
+domain for $x$ is all people, and Tashfia is a person.
+\def\ta{{\rm Tashfia}}
+\vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$\forall x(B(x)\impl C(x))$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$A(\ta)$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\forall x(A(x)\impl\lnot C(x))$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$A(\ta)\impl\lnot C(\ta)$&Universal Instantiation (3)&&\cr
+ &$\lnot C(\ta)$&Modus ponens (2,4)&&\cr
+ &$B(\ta)\impl C(\ta)$&Universal Instantiation (1)&&\cr
+ &$\lnot B(\ta)$&Modus tollens (5,6)&&\cr
+ &$\exists x\lnot B(x)$&Existential generalization (7)&&\cr\hline
+\li The CS 2050 office hours cubicle is moving! The new cubicle has a
+width of $3x$ and a length of $y,$ where $x, y\in Z^+.$ Prove or
+disprove that the area of the cubicle is even whenever $x$ is even. Make
+sure to include the introduction, body, and conclusion. Clearly state
+your reasoning for all statements and use a two-column proof for the
+body whenever possible.
+Let $x,y\in Z^+$ represent arbitrary parameters of the desk with $x$
+Let the desk have width $w = 3x$ and length $l = y.$
+We will also say the desk has area $a = lw$ and prove that this area is
+\vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$a = lw$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$w = 3x$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$l = y$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$x$ is even&Premise&&\cr
+ &$x,y\in Z^+$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$a = 3xy$&Substitution (1,2,3)&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, x = 2j$&Definition of even (4)&&\cr
+ &$x = 2k$&Existential Instantiation (7)&&\cr
+ &$a = 6ky$&Substitution (6,8)&&\cr
+ &$a = 2(3ky)$&Algebra (9)&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, a = 2j$&Existential generalization (10)&&\cr
+ &$a$ is even&Definition of even (11)&&\cr
+ \hline
+\li Use a direct proof to show that if $n+9$ is odd, then $n^2-5n-14$ is
+even. Make sure to include the introduction, body, and conclusion.
+Clearly state your reasoning for all statements and use a two-column
+proof for the body whenever possible.
+Let $n$ be an integer such that $n+9$ is odd.
+We will show that $n^2-5n-14$ is even.
+\vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$n+9$ is odd&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, n+9=2j+1$&Definition of Odd (1)&&\cr
+ &$n+9=2k+1$&Existential Instantiation (2)&&\cr
+ &$n = 2k-8$&Algebra (3)&&\cr
+ &$n^2-5n-14 = (4k^2-32k+64)-(10k+40)-14 = 2(2k^2-42k+5)$&Algebra (4)&&\cr
+ &$2k^2-42k+5\in\bb Z$&Closure of Integers (5)&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, n^2-5n-14 = 2j$&Existential Generalization (5,6)&&\cr
+ &$n^2-5n-14$ is even&Definition of Even (7)&&\cr
+ \hline
+\li Let $n$ be an integer. Prove the statement ``If $3n^2+8$ is even,
+then $n$ is even.'' Make sure to include the introduction, body, and
+conclusion. Clearly state your reasoning for all statements and use a
+two-column proof for the body whenever possible.
+ \li Prove the statement using a proof by contrapositive.
+ Assume for the sake of contrapositive that $n$ is odd.
+ We will show that $3n^2+8$ is odd.
+ \smallskip
+ \vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ \halign{\vrule\strut#\tabskip\tableskip&#\hfil&#\hfil&#\tabskip0pt&#\vrule\cr\hline
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$n$ is odd&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, n=2j+1$&Definition of Odd (1)&&\cr
+ &$n=2k+1$&Existential Instantiation (2)&&\cr
+ &$3n^2+8=3(2k+1)^2+8$&Substitution (3)&&\cr
+ &$3n^2+8=12k^2+12k+11=2(6k^2+6k+5)+1$&Algebra (4)&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, 3n^2+8=2j+1$&Existential Generalization (5)&&\cr
+ &$3n^2+8$ is odd&Definition of Odd (6)&&\cr
+ \hline
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ \endproof
+ \li Prove the statement using a proof by contradiction.
+ Let $3n^2+8$ be even and, for the sake of contradiction, let $n$ be
+ odd.
+ \smallskip
+ \vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ \halign{\vrule\strut#\tabskip\tableskip&#\hfil&#\hfil&#\tabskip0pt&#\vrule\cr\hline
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$n$ is odd&Premise&&\cr
+ &$3n^2+8$ is even&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, n = 2j+1$&Definition of odd (1)&&\cr
+ &$n = 2k+1$&Existential instantiation (3)&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, 3n^2 + 8 = 2j$&Definition of even (2)&&\cr
+ &$3n^2 + 8 = 2l$&Existential instantiation (5)&&\cr
+ &$3(2k+1)^2 + 8 = 2l$&Substitution (4,6)&&\cr
+ &$12k^2+12k+3 + 8 = 2l$&Algebra (7)&&\cr
+ &$l = (6k^2+6k+5) + 1/2$&Algebra (8)&&\cr
+ &$l\not\in\bb Z$&Integer Definition (9)&&\cr
+ \hline
+ }
+ \smallskip
+ We have reached a contradiction because $l$ is both an integer and
+ not an integer.
+ \endproof
+\li Let $p$ be the product of 5 distinct integers, where each of the 5
+integers is between 1 and 63, inclusive. Prove or disprove that if $p$
+is odd, then at least one of these 5 integers in its product must be
+odd. Make sure to include the introduction, body, and conclusion.
+Clearly state your reasoning for all statements and use a two-column
+proof for the body whenever possible.
+Let $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_5 \in\bb Z\cap[1,63],$ such that $i\neq j\impl
+a_i\neq a_j.$
+For the sake of contrapositive proof, let $a_i$ (for all $i$) be even.
+We will show that $p = a_1a_2a_3a_4a_5$ is even.
+\vskip0pt plus 1in\goodbreak\vskip 0pt plus -1in
+ &Statement&Reason&&\cr\hline
+ &$a_1$ is even&Premise&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, a_1=2j$&Definition of Even (1)&&\cr
+ &$a_1=2k$&Existential Instantiation (2)&&\cr
+ &$p = a_1a_2a_3a_4a_5$&Premise&&\cr
+ &$p = 2ka_2a_3a_4a_5$&Substitution (3,4)&&\cr
+ &$p = 2(ka_2a_3a_4a_5)$&Associative Property (5)&&\cr
+ &$\exists j\in\bb Z, p = 2j$&Existential Generalization (6)&&\cr
+ &$p$ is even&Definition of Even (7)&&\cr
+ \hline