path: root/resume.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'resume.tex')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/resume.tex b/resume.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8e1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resume.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+\parskip=0pt plus 1pt
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+ \smallskip\vskip 0pt plus .3fil}
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+ #1\crcr%
+\name{Holden Rohrer}
+\contact{Git: https://git.hrhr.dev}
+ Centennial High School&2018--2021\cr
+ \multispan2\vrule height 2pt width 0pt\cr
+ Georgia Institute of Technology&2021--2025 (estimated)\cr
+ \hskip\parindent GPA 3.89\cr
+ \li Pursuing BS Computer Science\cr
+ \li Pursuing BS Math\cr
+ \li Courses: CS 1332, MATH 1554, MATH 2551, MATH 2552, MATH 2106,
+ PSYC 1101, PHYS 2212, Second Course in Linear Algebra, Math
+ Statistics I, Probability Theory\cr
+\sec{Work Experience}
+\bf Research with Dr.~Wing Suet Li&2022--present\cr
+ \li Worked on Empirical Mode Decomposition (applied math)\cr
+ \li Used analysis, linear algebra, and statistics\cr
+ \li Wrote efficient NumPy code\cr
+\bf 7Factor Engineering, LLC&2021--present\cr
+\bf Junior Full-Stack Developer\cr
+ \li Worked with agile teams of 2--6\cr
+ \li Worked on industry-sized codebases in medical/HIPAA-compliant
+ fields\cr
+ \li Worked with C\# and JS backends, Angular and Vue frontend,
+ SQL, and some cloud infrastructure.\cr
+\bf Solve Tutoring&2020--2021\cr
+\bf Tutor\cr
+ \li Managed multiple clients' scheduling and cancellations\cr
+\bf Independent Tutoring&2018--2021\cr
+\bf Self-employed\cr
+ \li Explained and taught complex topics to students\cr
+\bf Centennial Model United Nations&2018--2021\cr
+\bf Research Leader\cr
+ \li Researched countries and topics for team-wide information\cr
+ \li Mentored and competed with partner delegates at conferences\cr
+\bf Centennial DNA Club&2019--2021\cr
+ \li Conducted biological research on invertebrates\cr
+ \li Performed statistical analysis and formatting/publishing work\cr
+\bf RoboJackets Member&2021--present\cr
+\li Best Delegate at UGA's Model UN conference&2019\cr
+\li Governor's Honors Program Semi-Finalist&2019\cr
+\li National Merit Scholar Finalist&2021\cr
+\li Plenary Speech at National HS Model UN&2019, 2021\cr
+\li Proficient in Python, C, JavaScript (Angular, Vue, ActionHero,
+Node), Java
+\li Familiar with D, Perl, C\#
+\li Comfortable with Linux software deployment and system administration
+\li Managing a small mail server (exim+dovecot+Linux stack)
+\li Managing a web server (Linux+Nginx+Python/CGI stack)
+\li Proficient with Public Speaking
+\li Limited Working French