path: root/wroblewski-world/outlines/unit3.tex
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+\input mla8.tex
+\clas{AP World}
+\name{Holden} \last{Rohrer}
+\title{AP World Overview for Unit 3 (1450-1750)}
+\def\pre#1{\par\leavevmode\llap{\hbox to \parindent{\hfil #1 \hfil}}}
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+\def\ptttt#1;;{\advance\theptttt by 1{\advance\leftskip by 3\parindent{\pre{\number\theptttt.} #1.}\par}}
+\pt Ottoman Empire;;
+ \ptt Janissaries---Christian slave infantry;;
+ \pttt Government---Janissaries worked administration;;
+ \ptttt Carried guns and administered much of Ottoman empire during devshirme;;
+ \pttt Expansion;;
+ \ptttt Janissaries expanded the Ottoman empire because they were able to precisely manage more land and their population grew as territory grew;;
+ \ptttt Early in its growth, emperors captured large landholds around Mediterranean and developed trade relations with Asia, conquered Constantinople;;
+ \ptttt Devshirme---a levy on Christian households to supply young male soldiers to Ottoman Empire with promise of government positions for the top $10\%$ and military or infantry service for other Janissaries (infantry);;
+ \ptt Decline (1700);;
+ \pttt Culture;;
+ \ptttt pro-Europe alignment of local officials and increasingly disconnected elite fostered rebellions;;
+ \pttt Government;;
+ \ptttt Ex-cavalry, becoming inferior to powerful Jannisary class, threatened central Ottoman rule, and power vaccuum filled with paramilitaries like mamluks;;
+ \ptttt Tax Farming---outsourcing taxation to private land-leasers/-owners upon their lands decentralized the empire (like feudalism);;
+\pt Safavid Empire---precursor to modern Iran;;
+ \ptt Foundation and Expansion;;
+ \pttt Culture/Religion;;
+ \ptttt Created by Shah Ismail to be strictly Shiite Muslim. The concentrated religious minority promoted continuity of Shiite cohesion;;
+ \ptttt Ottoman empire had sparse, decohesive government over subordinate majorities (like Arabs in Middle East), which weakened their stake and increased vulnerability;;
+ \ptt Interactions;;
+ \pttt Ottoman--Safavid Conflict;;
+ \ptttt Religious divide between Shiite Safavid and Shia Ottomans reduced area of Empire, stabilizing it;;
+ \ptttt Religious divide continues in modern-day Sunni--Shia (Saudi Arabia and Iran) conflict;;
+\pt Qing Dynasty;;
+ \ptt Government;;
+ \pttt Composition;;
+ \ptttt Manchu are ruling minority over ethnic Chinese minority;;
+ \ptttt Manchu are insufficient to staff the entire government, so they become generals and the emperor;;
+ \ptttt Remaining positions are sparse and staffed by ethnic Chinese, which contributed to its decline in later years;;
+ \pttt Cultural Interactions;;
+ \ptttt Adopted Chinese customs to stabilize rule but Manchus maintained their position as ruling and military class with ethnic Chinese workers;;
+ \ptt Economics;;
+ \pttt Tea and International Relations;;
+ \ptttt Tea---a continuously important export for China, especially under the Qing Dynasty;;
+ \ptttt Tea Exports---central Asia, SEA, and Europe;;
+ \ptttt Tea and Europe---Caused trade surplus with Europe/EIC, limiting European influence on China (economic and cultural);;
+ \pttt Predecessors and Conquest;;
+ \ptttt Ming China was weakened by climate change, economic vulnerability to Europe, and unification of external enemies;;
+ \ptttt Ming Dynasty sought aid from Manchu (Qing) conquerors who promptly instated themselves as rulers and conquered local parts of China, using their military strength to recommand the collapsing Manchu Dynastic claims;;
+\pt Mughal Empire;;
+ \ptt Governance and Culture;;
+ \pttt Compoistion;;
+ \ptttt Indian Empire ruled by Muslim minority over Hindus. Similar to Qing and Ottoman that it is composed of a ruling minority and subjugated majority;;
+ \ptttt Sikhism---Islamic-Hindu syncretism preaching guru worship and equality. Became major religion in Mughal Empire, and militant Orthodox Sikhism develops after execution of guru;;
+ %\pttt Economics;;
+ %\ptttt Significant foreign trade and maintenance of peace
+ \pttt Military;;
+ \ptttt Strong military provided conditions for schism, but fast downfall was brought on by Hindu-driven conflict and external pressure;;
+ \ptttt Gunpowder---Aided Mughal expansion with cannons and muskets, especially in the Battle of Panipat;;
+\pt Europe;;
+ \ptt Religion and Culture;;
+ \pttt Christianity;;
+ \ptttt Protestant Reformation----Martin Luther creates sect of Christianity responding to Church fragmentation (multiple popes), corruption (money ``buys'' sins), and indulgency (clergy have luxuries). Elaborates in {\it 95 Theses};;
+ \ptttt Catholic Reformation---Response to Protestants, Catholics implement new policies to limit internal corruption and indulgence like exclusive use of Latin bibles and ``salvation from good works'';;
+ \ptttt Ultimately fortifies Christian leadership and the majority of Europe as a result of changes;;
+ \ptt Governance through Courts;;
+ \pttt Louis XIV;;
+ \ptttt In Versailles, he closely monitored nobles, churches, and the bourgeoisie by requiring the aristocracy to ingratiate themselves to him;;
+ \ptttt Ensured that ``legislation'' (especially over trade practice and the church) he required would be enforced strictly because aristocrats' policies were tightly coupled with his;;
+ \pttt Peter the Great---Russian Tsar who modernized Russia;;
+ \ptttt By importing Western European influences for the aristocracy, specifically in the form of the French language and lavish party culture, using it as a method to adopt Western technology;;
+ \ptttt Moving the capital to Moscow;;
+ \ptttt Securing ports with military influence;;